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—back in the clearing—

The elevator slowly rose up,slowly,screeching,as the nails rattled.The birds in the 'sky' swaked loudly as the commotion
continued in the maze.
Someone popped through, groaning as they stepped up and looked around.
"A-am I dead?!" They shouted making the birds fly out their trees.
"What the hell is this!"
They ran over to the closest building and just hid in it,disappointed in themself.

-when the dead squad got back-

"Soo oeca,wanna explore some of these houses for fun?" Mohwee giggled.
"Yea sure." Oeca mumbled.
"Cmon then"

—with Mohwee & Oeca—

"This one's scaryyy" Mohwee teased.
Mohwee walked in straight away,turning on the lights and looking around,moving boxes,chests and books. He saw a small orange book that said 'Diary.'
"Hey oeca come over here I found someone's diary!" Mohwee laughed opening it,reading the first page.

—the diary's 1st page—

Dear diary,
Hello,I'm owen.I've started this diary so I can,well,get some things off my mind.. Anything I write in this,please don't take as offence.
I just need to say some...things.

"It's Owens?" Oeca mumbled.

A dark figure rose from behind a box,they looked burned and harmed.They stepped towards mohwee and oeca.
"Yea.. it's mine. You arnt supposed to be reading it." They said.

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