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Oh my, what happened?

Did you catch a cold? Are you having chills and fever?

Is it too hot outside that your nose bleed again?

Does your back hurts again? Or your head?

Do you want me to massage your back? You probably have those muscle spasms again.

I know this is too much to ask but if you can, please inform me. I want to take care of you. I want to provide you all the care that you need in order to recover.

If in any circumstances you can't come to me, or talk to me, just close your eyes and you will feel my biggest and warmest embrace. I am here always - in your heart. I hope so.

We are all human, we are bound to get sick sometimes and it is normal. Don't forget to eat and take your medicines, and drink lots of fluids. Be sure to get a lot of rest as well.

Don't think too much now. Just relax and rest your mind.

As you always say, all is well. You will recover and become healthy again.

I am with you always, in sickness and in health.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Where stories live. Discover now