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Hey, what happened?

Are you angry because your manager asks you for too much things that isn't under your scope of work?

Are you angry because someone did bad to you?

Are you angry at yourself for doing something you are not supposed to do?

Don't worry. Just breathe, it is okay to feel this. It is perfectly fine.

Inhale. Exhale.


Inhale. Exhale.

It will pass.


It is not about that?

Are you angry at me because I am not drinking my water again?

Are you angry because I skipped my meals?

Are you angry because someone hurt me?

Sorry I got ahead of myself. I just couldn't think about too much reasons on why you should be angry right now. Because you are so kind-hearted that I rarely see you mad.

I'm sorry if you feel like this.

Please don't be angry. I am not making a promise but I'm going to take care of myself. I will drink, and I will eat if you want me too.

Do you still not believe me? Come and feed me yourself then, yay! I would totally love that!

Kidding aside, I'm sorry for all the things that you feel mad about. I don't know if this will comfort you but I'm sorry on behalf of the other things or person as well.

Please calm down. All will be alright.

I love you!

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