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How's your day?

Are you missing me just enough?

Or are you missing me too much?

Please don't worry, I missed you more than you miss me.

If you can, you can come to me. You can message me or call me. However you like, just remember that you are not alone.

Look up the stars, look how they shine in the night sky. They look great, yeah?

Now look at the moon. Beautiful isn't it?

Do you wonder that maybe, the moon is always there even sometimes it is not visible, so that the stars don't feel lonely at night? Because I do.

In times like this that you are longing for my presence, my scent, or my voice, just look up the night sky and feel that I am always with you. Let us be each other's moon.

However, you can always message me, call me. Up to you. As I've told you, I'll make myself available for you.

Hugs and kisses for you, my brightest moon. I hope to see and be with you soon.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Where stories live. Discover now