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Is life too much? Do you face some issues in life right now?

Or is it about your work? Does your work demands more than what you can give? Or your manager is annoying the hell out of you?

Or is it about some person in your life? Did you realize they are so tiresome? I hope I don't get to the point that you will find me tiring some time.

I don't know why you are feeling tired right now and I don't know all the reasons that might, but it is okay.

You can shut the door and forget about the world for a while. It is okay.

You can sleep all day and do nothing productive. It is okay.

You can go on for a late night walk if that what calms your mind. It is okay. If you want me to join you, you can ask me to. But if you want to go alone, that is fine too.

You can listen to relaxing music and stare at the sunset or at the night sky. It is okay.

You can do whatever you think that can help you recover all the energy that you lost. It is totally okay.

You know what is not okay? Not giving yourself a break. There is nothing wrong for giving yourself the break time it deserves.

No one has the right to blame you or question you for taking a break when you feel burned out.

It is okay, it is okay.

But please let us know where you will be or what you are about to do. We are worried about you.

I hope you can come to me when you are feeling tired. I will share with you my energy because out of all the people I know, you are my rest. I am relaxed with you. I hope you do too.

I am going to recharge you through giving you a power hug and a power kiss. You can close your eyes for a while and not worry about anything. Because I know, you will do the same for me.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Where stories live. Discover now