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Are you okay?

Can I please know why you are feeling scared?

Is it about life? Is it about what the future holds? Is it above love? or friendship? Is it about a decision you're about to make? or is it about failing something? or is it about some issues you've been facing recently?

Whatever the reason is, please know that I am here for you. It's okay to be scared.

Even if you are definitely bigger than me, you can hide behind my back. I will keep you and hide you from what scares you.

Please know that I will hide you until you are ready to come out and face what ever it is.

Or I will hug you until you feel brave enough to get back on track.

Don't be ashamed, because men gets scared too.

You know that I get scared sometimes too right? Like that time I am alone in my room at night, or when we saw a lizard on the office stairs. Or whenever I can't eat alone in public places.

Sometimes we are afraid of taking decisions in life too. There are a lot of what ifs. What if it is not worth it? What if I won't be happy with the results? What if .. What if..

But you know what? If you will not try, you will never know. So what if it is not worthy? So what if you ended up not being happy? At least you tried, and that now you know. At least later on, you will not have regrets of not trying when you were still able to.

What I mean is, we all have our fears. And it's okay. It's normal.

We cannot remove fear from our lives.

We just need to learn how to deal and overcome our fears.

We just need to stop for a while and think on how we can make these fears into our strength.

We're on this together. Always, always remember that.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Where stories live. Discover now