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Is someone using the machine that you're about to use in the gym?

Are you waiting for your food order?

Are you waiting for some test results?

Are you waiting for some reports to finish your work?

Or are you waiting for your monthly salary?

Heyy, maybe you are waiting for someone? If this is the case, who's that anyways? Hmm. Just kidding. It's okay to wait for someone. Probably, someone from your team to start the meeting, or someone in front of you in the queue to finish ordering or withdrawing from the ATM machine.

Or maybe you are waiting for the right time to do one thing you planned or wished to do.

I just want to say, be patient. It will come to you.

The food will be served whenever it is ready, you can follow up if it took some time, but sooner or later it will be served.

The person using the machine at the gym or the ATM machine will soon finish their turn.

Your salary will be credited soon in your bank account.

And if this about waiting to do something, or waiting for the right time to do something, the thing is, there is no such thing as wrong and perfect timing. It actually depends on yourself.

Whenever you feel ready.

Because we all have different timeline in the world and not everyone has the same path. You don't have to be pressured about things that are not yet happening to you which already happened for someone else close to you.

This doesn't mean that you are not trying enough to do it, it is just maybe you feel too pressured that you are doing things in a hurry. So don't.

Or simply because you are chasing to do these things in the same pace as others do, when you are not yet ready for it.

Take your time. Do things in your own comfortable pace.

Things might not seem to work now, but in time, it will all fall to its place. Trust me.

It will sometimes feel tiring to wait and still do things as it is when you are not seeing any progress, and that is normal. As long as you are not giving up, it will be alright.

As for me, I always got your back. I will always be your number 1 supporter, your cheerleader, your rest whenever you feel tired.

I will always be here for you. Whenever you need me, even if I am doing anything, I will do my best to come and be with you - as what I always do.

If ever things happen between us and that you can't come to me, please always remember what I've told you before. That you already have a permanent spot in my heart. So whatever it is that happened, just tell me and I will still be there for you.

If you are not yet ready to come to me, that's fine too. As I've told you also, I will be waiting for you.

In fact, I did not leave. I am still here, I am waiting along with you.

There might be times that you think that I got tired already because I wasn't there, but please know, I am human too. I need rest as well. But that doesn't mean that I'm giving up.

But even after days, weeks, months, I don't know how much time it will take but I will still be here.

Whenever you are ready, I will still be here.

So if it bothers you, just remember that you are not the only person in the world waiting for something. We all do.

Just keep your head up, and trust your self. Don't be too afraid of making decisions.

Go for whatever you think makes you happy, you deserve it.

Don't always think about what other people will say. They don't have a single cent in your life.

Besides, whatever you do, they will always have something to say. So you don't have to please all of them.

Think about yourself and your future.

And after all the waiting, it will all be worth it.

I love you, I always do.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora