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Are you okay?

How are you feeling?

Do you have a lot of things on your mind right now?

Are you stressed?

Are you pressured because of work or some other things?

First, close your eyes and breathe.



One more time.



Are you okay now?

You can call me or message me. I want to help you calm your mind if you want me to. But if you don't want to, it's fine too.

Just remember that I am just here if you need me. You are not alone, you can share your worries with me. You don't have to do things alone.

Do you know what?

I want to hug you and make you feel that everything will be alright. I want to hide you from all the things that  are making you feel this way.

If all these things don't seem to work and you know that the only thing that will work is for you to take your meds, that's okay.

You don't have to feel ashamed because of all these things that you are feeling. It is perfectly normal.

Just breathe and let it go.


If you feel that you are slowly going down, just stop. Close your eyes again, think about something that makes you feel relaxed.

Is it the sound of the ocean? Is it the view in the fields? The sounds of birds chirping in the morning or the sound of crickets? Anything that makes you feel relaxed, just think about it.

If it doesn't work, play the playlist that I prepared for you. I don't know if my voice sounds good or no but if you say that it makes you feel relaxed then okay.

I don't even know if by the time you read this, I already sent the playlist to you. But if I still don't, you can ask me.

I hope after then, if your stress will not be gone, I hope it will lessen - even just for a bit.

If above things still don't work and you feel like you want to explode, come with me and let us go somewhere and forget about the world.

Even for a while, even if we don't have plans in mind. As long as we are together, it will all be alright.

I love you.

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Where stories live. Discover now