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Don't think like that, okay?

THERE ARE NO BAD PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. We are just people who sometimes do bad things.

I believe that we all have goodness in our hearts and that we are all good people. It's just that we people have different circumstances in life, different upbringings, different life status, different experiences, different culture, and from that, we tend to do some things based on what is currently happening in our lives.

Some things might sound bad to others, but to the person doing that, maybe it feels right. But who are we to judge?

I mean yes, basically in terms of the society, we have so-called "bad people" such as those who are in the jail. And some who are still committing crime but are still out there - roaming freely.

I am not saying it is okay, do something bad, it will not make you a bad person. NO. It is still not okay.

But I am referring more to the personal side here. Like if we already did something bad that already gave discomfort to other people.

If you did one, it is normal to feel bad about it.

As long as you realized your mistake, apologized for it, and made sure that it won't happen again, then it's good.

It doesn't mean that you will have to suffer for a long time because of that.

We are all humans, we have the ability to forgive. If you have already asked for forgiveness from someone who was upset or angry at you, and they already forgave you, you should forgive yourself too.

You don't have to torment yourself through thinking that you are a bad person and that you don't deserve to be happy anymore. No.

You deserve to find your own happiness, you deserve to build your own family, you deserve that sweet treat that you are craving for, you deserve that promotion at work, you deserve it all.

A mistake doesn't make you a bad person. What's important is you learned your lesson, you knew that it was wrong.

So don't beat yourself too much, okay?

If this can make you feel good, I'll confess this to you for the first time. When I was a kid, I used to steal candies from the market. I was never caught. But after I lost some of my things because my cousin took it without my permission, I got mad and cried. But after that I realized, I also did wrong because I did the same. So I forgave her. I felt bad for stealing as well, but I cannot do anything about it, I can't even go by myself to the market. I don't even have money as well. So I just prayed that I am so sorry for what I did and that I will never do it again.

In high school, I got disciplined for being part of a big group of cheating students in an exam. I was too scared and keep defending myself as I knew I didn't cheated. The counselor said to me, that even if I didn't cheated, but if I let them copy my answers, it is still cheating. So they called my mom and asked her if she prefer to suspend me and stay at home or suspend and go to school but I will stay in the guidance and do some community service. She chose the last one. Why? Because she said she will not tell my dad about it because she knew I already felt bad and sorry about it. And you know what? Til now my dad doesn't have any single idea about that incident. Yes, me and my mom kept it a secret. I don't even know if she still remember it to this day, but I will never forget about that day. I felt really bad as I know I did wrong and disappointed her. Apart from that, we'll have to keep it to ourselves and not tell dad about it. I don't know how to face her after that incident. But she said that whatever happened, already happened. We cannot rewind the time and undo it. Just make sure you won't do it again.

We are human, we all deserve forgiveness and happiness. Maybe for some people, it will take time to forgive. But don't give up, you can always try again tomorrow.

Life doesn't stop until all of us are gone. So don't go living the rest of your life, thinking that you don't deserve it because you do.

You deserve me too. And I deserve you as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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