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Oh, the big baby is hungry again!

What do you wanna eat?

Breakfast? Lunch? Snacks? Dinner? Dessert?

I want to say, tell me what you want and I will cook for you. But I don't really know how to. I can only cook simple foods, is that fine with you?

I know we'll just end up ordering in some restaurant or a fast food chain somewhere. But anywhere is better than no where. I can eat standing, I can eat outside, I can eat anywhere as long as you are by my side.

When did this letter became so poetic? Don't ask me, I am hungry as well typing this.

I'll keep this short as I want you to eat already.

Or maybe you are already reading this as you are eating?

Do as you like, but always make sure you eat whenever you feel like.

Don't be grumpy. Finish your food, silly!

TO MY MOON, WHEREVER YOU ARE.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα