The arguments

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My grip on her hand was tight enough to make her sob.
I could hear her sobs, which made me stop on the spot.

Park Jong Suk: What is it now? Why are you crying?

Trisha: Why are you doing this to me? You want us to be together but you are hurting me right now.

You realised what you did and you regret your decision.
You pulled her in embrace to calm her down and to make sure she is comfortable with you.
She breaks the hug

Trisha: Why are you behaving strange?

Park Jong Suk: Stop crying, I'm sorry for what I did. Actually I thought you are cheating on me with that guy.

Trisha: This is what you think I'm and what made you think so.

Park Jong Suk: You didn't came to the office today. Mr. Han also didn't had any information about you and you also didn't answered my calls and messages.

Trisha: You call me?

Park Jong Suk: Yeah I did 55 calls and 26 messages and 19 dms on Instagram.

Trisha: I guess I forgot my phone at my place.

You are not crying now and are in a better mood.

Park Jong Suk: Can you explain me now about what's going on here?

Trisha: Yeah sure, he is my friends blind date and as she has a urgent meeting. She asked me to convey this message to him that she likes him and wants both of them to be together, Thats all.

Park Jong Suk: And what about you?

Trisha: What do you mean?

Park Jong Suk: Do you have feelings for him?

Trisha: Are you crazy? He is a stranger to me. Now let's just go from here.

Park Jong Suk: Wait! I just came here. Lets have a coffee together.

Trisha: I just had one, no more coffee now.

Park Jong Suk: You go wait inside the car I'll get my coffee first.

You nodded and took you seat in car.

He came back after sometime and dropped you home.
You were on the main entrance when he called you from his car.

Park Jong Suk: Trisha since we are together in this. I think we should go on a date. Be ready tomorrow, I'll be here by 7 to pick you up.

You have him a warm smile.

On phone

Boss: Where do you want to visit tomorrow?  
                 Trisha: somewhere in Seoul

Boss: Okay I'll look into it❤️

                 Trisha: 👍

Boss: Good Night 🌙

                Trisha: Good Night ❤️

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