Friends day out:)

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You were just sitting at your office chair,watching your computer screen.
Few of your friends and Han came there.

Han: Trisha let's have a conversation.

Trisha: Sorry you guys carry on. I have work to do.

Han: Don't worry about that, I'll talk to Mr. Park to give you extra time for that. Lets have fun, mental health is also important.

He convinced you so you joined them. All of you chit chatted for an hour. Everyone was laughing on Han's jokes. You jokingly hit him on his shoulder.

All of you were busy in your own world and you didn't realise that someone was watching you guys from his office.

Mr. Park called you after minute, you didn't wanted to leave your friends but he is your boss. You have to listen to him.

You went to his office and aske for permission to enter.

Park Jong Suk: What were you doing there?

Trisha: Talking to my friends, why is there something wrong?

Park Jong Suk: How can you giggle and laugh with them.

Trisha: They are my friends and it not like we commited a crime. We were just chilling out. What's the big deal.

Park Jong Suk: You can't talk to any boy till the time we are dating.

Trisha: Listen Mr. Park there is no such rule on the contact. So I won't follow your order.

Park Jong Suk: Okay than I'll renew the contact by tomorrow.

Trisha: As if I'll sign the contract again, forget it.

Han entered the room from no where and he was our of breath.
You helped him to caught his breath.

Trisha: Are you okay Mr. Han

Han: Yeah I'm okay, good I didn't died.
You smiled

Han: You remember that day you told me that you like girls generation kpop group.
You nodded

Han: I got two free consert tickets.
You screamed making your boss flinch.
Both of you started jumping while hugging each other in joy but someone in the room was burning in jealousy.

You both left the room

Park Jong Suk: Does that mean more important to her. She just ignored me.

Park Jong Suk have a hold on yourself. It's her life, she can live it the way she want.
The evening
You and Han were at the concert. It was fun, you both did many other things like playing games, fan sight event and karioke.

As both of you were heading back to your house. You saw a Toy machine.
You requested Han to get you one.

He played the game but lose all time. Finally he got the toy for you, you were so happy to see that soft toy in your hand. Both if you smiling.

Han: Trisha do you like it?

Trisha: Yeah, I loved it. Your choices are always best.

Han: Trisha I want to tell you something.

Trisha: Yeah carry on I'm hearing you.
Buth if you were walking.

Han: So you know why I convinced your parents to let you work here.

Trisha: Yeah you wanted me to get a better job.

Han: No, I helped you because I had a crush on you since high school and I still do. Can we try to, I mean can you be my girlfriend?

Trisha: I'm sorry but I'm seeing  someone. I don't want to betray him,
Please understand.

There was complete silent between you two.

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