Not Right Now?

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Both of you reached office on time. You bid your goodbye to Han and went to your table. While both of you were doing your works, there was someone who was witnessing everything that was going on in the office room and it's none other than your boss.

Park Jong Suk: What's going on with them? They were ignoring each other few days ago and now acting like nothing happened between them? Hmm, I'll find out what they are hiding.

I was going towards my office when I heard people talking.

Employee 1: Hey have you heard of today's gossip.

Employee 2: What is it? Tell me I can't wait!

Employee 1: Mr. Han and Trisha came office together.

Employee 3: Yeah I know that! And people also said that they are dating cause the tension between them since a week feels like they are trying to keep there relationship secret.

Employee 2: What a bullshit! The whole office knows that they are friend since childhood. It's common for friends to hangout with each other.

Employee 3: They could be friends since childhood but I heard that Mr. Han had a crush on her in his high school times.

Employee 1: I have also heard about that. Does that mean they have been other since then and they started dating recently.

Employee 3: Maybe who knows but I really love office romance and being in a company that has one is amazing.

Employee 1: They are a good match for each other.

They were talking about Trisha and my secratary Han for half an hour. My blood started to boil in anger and I shouted, making the employees flinch, who were talking gossips for hours now.

Park Jong Suk: Are you guys here for work or gossips. I pay you for your work not for your gossips. Go back to work. If I saw someone in future gossiping in office, I'll make sure to fire you from college.

The office room was filled with silence. I came to my room and lean on the chair. I couldn't stop thinking about the rumours.

I haven't seen Trisha since the morning and not even my secretary Han. I'm worried right now.  

I would be the only guy, who knows that the girl whom he's dating is dating someone else and that someone else is my close friend aka my secratary.

What if the rumours that those employees were talking about is true. What if they are dating and I'm  the third person in there story.

Many questions are there in my mind and the only person who can answer my questions is Trisha or Han.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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