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Over the past few weeks, Aurelia and Cedric had shared numerous evenings together in the Library. Her feet would often find a resting place on his lap while a collection of books adorned the table in front of them. As the O.W.L. exams drew near, peculiar locations saw the presence of sleep-deprived and hungry fifth and seventh-year students, diligently attempting to cram for their subjects.

Their study routine became a well-choreographed dance of turning pages, whispered discussions, and the occasional shared smile of encouragement. Aurelia's meticulous note-taking complemented Cedric's knack for dissecting complex theories. They would take breaks to exchange ideas and quiz each other, transforming what could have been monotonous hours into a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Outside the Library's walls, fifth and seventh years were seen grappling with fatigue, their faces etched with determination. Some students could be found tucked away in cozy corners, while others took over open spaces, armed with stacks of notes and energy-boosting snacks. The campus had turned into a hub of academic fervor, with the collective goal of acing the exams and driving everyone to their limits.

As the exam dates loomed even closer, Aurelia and Cedric's hard work began to pay off. They noticed the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, the intricate concepts becoming clearer with each joint study session. Their perseverance was contagious, inspiring their peers to study more diligently, too.

Astronomy and Herbology were the two exams Aurelia dreaded. She never caught the grasp of "Reading the stars" and she didn't like to get her hand dirty, so herbology was definitely going to be a challenge.

"You're stressing yourself out, Darling." His soft voice cut through her anxiety with ease. She had been so caught up in her studies that she barely paid Cedric any attention, nonetheless anyone else.

"I'm sorry, It's just to even qualify for the Ministry I have to get outstanding in every exam." Cedric understood his girl's frustration, the dreams always woke her up at night, and she barely had any time to catch up on her work.

Aurelia also worried for her parents, she never told Cedric what Burnette's sister informed her, he already had enough to worry about, and adding more to it would mentally kill Aurelia. She had to give the boy credit, he handled his studies and being a Triward champion very well.

Aurelia's smile faltered for a moment, and she hesitated before speaking. "Actually, Cedric, They keep occurring, they're becoming more vivid."

Cedric raised an eyebrow. "I told you, darling, I'll be fine."

Aurelia's gaze dropped to her hands, her fingers nervously twining together. "I can feel it, something is going to go wrong. It's as if someone wants me to know and try to stop you but I can't stop it."

Cedric leaned in, genuine concern etched on his face. "What is so different from your past dreams?"

Aurelia took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "I see you accessing a Portkey, and then... something goes wrong. You... you don't make it out."

Cedric's expression turned serious, his eyes searching hers. "Aurelia, dreams can be strange, but they don't necessarily predict the future. I've faced challenges before, and I'll do my best to make it through the third task."

Aurelia nodded slowly, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "I know, Cedric. It's just... these dreams, they won't leave me alone. I've tried every spell I know, and none seem to work."

Cedric reached across the table, placing his hand over hers in a reassuring gesture. "Listen, Darling. You've got a gift for divination, no doubt about that. But even the best seers can misinterpret their visions. The future is a complex tapestry, and our actions can change its course."

The library's atmosphere seemed to shift, the sounds of rustling parchment and whispered conversations fading into the background as Cedric and Aurelia shared their thoughts and fears. As their conversation reached a gentle lull, fatigue began to catch up with Cedric. His eyelids grew heavier, and despite his efforts to stay awake, exhaustion won out.

Aurelia's voice, soft as a whispering breeze, began to weave a melody through the air. A hauntingly beautiful lullaby, a melody that only a siren's voice could produce. It was a song that spoke of ancient seas and distant shores, a melody that held a sense of both longing and solace. As her voice resonated, the flickering candlelight seemed to sway in time to the enchanting tune.

As the lullaby continued, Aurelia's voice seemed to wrap around Cedric like a gentle embrace, cradling him in its ethereal embrace. Her fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on his hand, her voice a balm to his weary soul. The library's silence became a canvas for their moment, the air heavy with the magic of their connection.

Unbeknownst to them, students passing by the library's entrance paused, their curiosity piqued by the enchanting melody. They exchanged intrigued glances, wondering about the source of such captivating music. But none dared to intrude upon the intimate scene that unfolded within.

As the final notes of the lullaby cascaded into the air, Cedric's breathing deepened, his body succumbing to the peaceful slumber that had embraced him. Aurelia's song faded into a gentle silence, the library returning to its calm, timeless ambiance.

Aurelia gazed down at Cedric, her heart a mixture of emotions. She carefully adjusted her position, ensuring that he was comfortable as he rested on her lap. Her fingers brushed a stray strand of hair from his forehead, her touch feather-light.

In the stillness of that moment, as the library held its breath and the stars outside blinked their distant light, Aurelia's thoughts wandered. She wondered about the future, about the challenges they would face, and about the possibility of the dreams that had haunted her. But above all, she felt a deep sense of connection and protectiveness toward the slumbering Cedric.

With a soft smile, she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, her lips lingering for a heartbeat. She whispered a few words, words of hope and encouragement, before settling back into the chair, her fingers continuing their delicate tracing on his hand.

"I love you, Diggory."

Lumièrè || C. DiggoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя