Gender Swap

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Hello everyone! Uh so I have school so no yeah updates until school ends! Ok lets do this!
Midnight Pov
I woke up at 5:00 because I wasn't the one who slept till 2:00 *cough*star*cough*marco
I went to down stairs and went to invade the diaz's fridge
" Hmmm, nothing" I said "all they have is arepa's and empanadas (Hispanic food)

Ugh there's nothing to eat!
Wait stars wand!
I can probably wip up some pancakes
I mean,i know how to use it! A little............
what Ive seen star use it, I mean how hard is it!
I crept into stars rooms and see her wand on her table.
That was easy!
I grabbed it and ran!
Now I regret running
Star woke up!
Ugh and I guess Marco has a star radar cause he Woke up too!
Damn it! I never get away with things!
I turned around and saw star behind me with Marco opening his door.
I had to race down stairs but my lack of speed star catches up and Marco has a face like 'what the heck?'

"Midnight give me my wand!" Star whispered

" Hmmm nah" I said

"Midnight, star whats going on?" Marco asked in a sleepy voice

"Midnight has my wand" star said
"Let me just make some pancakes!" I simply said while casting a spell

"Wait midnight!" Star ran to me
"You dont know how to use it!"

"Midnight" Marco called but it was to late
I had cast the spell
But not what I was expecting though!
I felt different
Then I looked in front of me!
Oh no what have I done

Normal pov
Star glanced up
"Ugh what happ-"
She started to panic or he?
"Wha-what happened to my voice" a blond boy panicked

"Star? Is that you?" Midnight asked

"Uh who are you?! Where's midnight and Marco!? What did you do to them!?" Star kept questioning midnight when 'Marco' woke up
"Uh guys Wha-" he looked at himself then at star and midnight "Wha-what! What the heck happened to my manly body!"

"Manly" midnight smirked "maybe in your dreams, earth turd"

"Hey that's pointy heads nickname for me" he pouted

Star just stood there confused
"Who are you! I mean you look like Marco but your not!"
(A/N: you dont know how much this has happened to me!)

"Ok, one: I am midnight!
Two: I might have sort of kinda have gender swapped the whole world!" Midnight said with her voice lower and lower

"WHAT!" Star and Marco yelled freaking out!

"Well this is awful" midnight simply said "and awkward to go
To the bathroom...."

"UH OK!" Marco yelled "TO MUCH INFORMATION!"

"Ok are we gonna just yell at each other or are we gonna try to fix this!" Star yelled

" Well... Right now.... We can't!" Midnight said "We have school!"

"But its 6:00 in the morning?" Marco said

"You funny!" Star started "it takes like two hours for a girl to get ready!"

"But your not girls anymore!" Marco said

" You thought we were talking about us!" Star and midnight laughed "Marco you need a makeover!"

"I am not wearing any of your stuff!" Marco started panicking "I'm not gonna wear pandas or unicorns!"

"Oh dont worry" midnight said in a girl/boy voice "the spell I did changed everything! Haven't you guys seen your clothes"

"Ahhhhhhh! Im wearing a nightgown!" Marco yelled

"Eh I like wearing pants for a change!" Star said

"Anyway lets go through Marco's closest!" Midnight said starting to run with star behind her....i mean him!

"NO!" Marco ran but was held down with the extra weight on her chest "Ow! HOW DO YOU RUN LIKE THIS!"

~~~~~~LE TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~

"Oh wow" star plainly said "I'm not surprised he had his clothes laid out!"

"Damn...." Midnight grabbed the clothes and gave then to Marco

"Um midnight by the way, whats our names!"

"Oh well Star will be Comet! I will be Dusk!" Midnight/Dusk started " and I guess you'll be Marcia!"

"Ugh fine" Marco said going into his room " wait what!"
There its is finally out! Sorry ive been keeping it for so long! I had just got into summer and I have like two other stories ( one is another starco and the other is a fiction book) so hopefully I can update weekly or daily anyway
~ bella

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