Midnight has a crush!

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Why do you guys keep reading this
I literally take forever to write
Im so sorry I have been occupied with other stories and yeah but today is the day!
NEW CHAPTER! Hope you like!
The sun was shining
The birds were singing
And our beloved characters had to deal with a gender swap
Yeah this was tough for them
But they had to go on with there daily tasks
Marco POV
Thats the name I get
Are you serious!
Ugh whatever
Hey whats the thing I had to do today.......i think it was something to do with star?
OMG I totally forgot!
I still have to ask star to the freaking dance!
All this freaking midnight business got me distracted!
Great! Now nervous!
Wait I dont have to ask her I m the girl now! She has to ask me!

"Thats sexist" midnight was standing at the door

"What the heck!" I jumped

"Remember, mind reader" she started "also, you haven't heard of a girl asking out a guy!"


"Then!" She got her bookbag and turned around "you should start planning"

I thought of the plan, the same plan I had, but noticed all the flaws. Which was one flaw and one flaw only


Yes I know i should have gotten over it but when I see star I just freak out!
Well all I need to think about right now is school.

Star POV
We finally came back to school and the first thing I'm greeted to is posters everywhere
I swear how much ink does this school use!
I looked over to midnight to see her drooling


"Uh midnight?" I started "you okay there"

No answer

"Uh midnight! Wake up!" I waved my hand infront of her face

No answer

I sighed " OMG look its your favorite boy band"

"Really!?" She looked at me like she wanted to kill me

"What are you looking at!" I complained

"I will tell you if who tell me you that is" she was again drooling

"Ew midnight keep your saliva
In your mouth!" I rubbed my hand on her shirt cause it got on my hand

"Hey!" She laughed and so did I

"Fine I will tell you! That missie is Oskar" I said while closing her mouth

"Oskar..." She was in aw
I remember when I was like that!
Damn I was crazy

"Wait" I said "you're a guy! Whats with the interest in girls!"

"Sweetie, its not very hard to imagine then as there original gender!" She started "you literally look the same"

"Oh" I suddenly got an idea! "So if you like Oskar or should I say Oliva, why dont you ask him to the dance!"

She slapped her face
"Star, I dont even know him-"

I started pushing her to a girl playing the keytar

"Hey, Oliva right?" I asked

"Yeah" she flipped her hair

"Well my friend, dusk, wanted to talk to you" she was standing there nervous! Ive never seen her nervous!
" Uh hi.." She had a nervous smile

"Sup" she smiled at her

" Cool"


This is the most awkward thing ever!

"So, Oliva wouldn't you like to show dusk around the school, he is new after all!" I nudged midnight's shoulder

"Sure!" She walked up and held the dark haired guys hand

Midnight turned her head to face me and mouthed thank you


Meanwhile (Marco POV)

"Ok, you are finally gonna do it! You're gonna finally ask star to this freaking dance"

Shut up and dance with meWhere stories live. Discover now