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Star pov


Might as well tell him that I'm going to mewni

"Marco" I knock on the door "can I come in?"

No answer

"Um ok I get it" I began backing away " you need you're alone time"

I walked towards midnight's room

"Midnight..." I knocked once more "MIDNIGHT!"

"what..i was having a dream about a sexy yellow dorito  Midnight's flew open "star!"

She hugged me "im glad you're alright!"

Im confused "what do you mean?"

"I heard a little girl scream from the hall but I was ignoring it because I thought it was you having a nightmare"

"Midnight..." I looked at her "I didn't scream last night"


"And Marco didn't answer when I knocked on his door!!"

"you don't think" I looked at her with worry and rushed to find Mr. And Mrs. Diaz.

"Mr. And Mrs. Diaz! Where is Marco!"

"we don't know star. Try calling his cellular phone"

I grabbed the red phone and dialed his number

*space unicorn*

I hear his ringtone coming from his room

"What..." Midnight said

I ran to Marcos room, kicking the door open

I saw him with his hood on looking out the window

"Why the heck are you staring creepily at the window" midnight cut in

Suddenly his hooding started to float

"uh, Marco what happen to your legs" I questioned

The jacket turned to look at me and midnight "if you want to see the boy again, come to Toffee's castle"


"Ludo's old castle!" the bug thing flew away outside the window

"old castle?" midnight asked

"what are you waiting for let's go!" I grabbed my dimensional scissors and opened the portal.

Marco here I come.

Unknown POV

Well she's coming.

All she needed was her lover to be kidnapped

Even though I already got rid of those stupid royal highnesses

Thank you prisoner number thirty six.

I wonder why he never used the mind erase on anyone else

Such a shame

Now what am I gonna do about the other one

He's knocked right now in his crate

"You there! Get our new prisoner a meal"

Make him feel comfortable...

Marco pov

What the heck!
My head hurts
I'm hungry, I wanna get food
I need to get out of be-

I look down

What the heck!
I'm stuck
Help me
Wait why am I thinking this


"There is no hope" an alligator lizard thing said


"Don't worry your lover will come soon"

"My lover?" Does he mean star

"Well she will go through some changes"

"Changes!?" What is he gonna do to my Estrella!


Short authors note: sorry it took forever and sorry it's a short chapter. It's only filler. So if you saw the season finale then pretty much this right now.

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