I have a problem! (not an update)

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okay so hi! 

my wattpad on my phone was crashing and it wasnt working well, so i deleted it and downloaded it again but now it has glitched even more, i cant read my own book and i cant write any new chapters. i can write on my laptop and its great that i can still write and give you guys some chapters.

the problem is that im going on vacation in a week and i cant have my laptop with me. so i wil, try to write one chapters before i leave, i had two things sitting in my drafts (a normal chapter and keira's version of 'the new girl') and because i deleted wattpad on my phone where i had written them theyre both gone now. 

i wil try to re write them but my motivation to write has dropped now this happened.

and one little thing over not getting much vieuws what also lowered my motivation, i realised that if im write a chapter and it puts a smile on someones face that thats enough to keep writing for.

one thing that will help me is that if you have any idea for a chapter that you let me know, i will try to write it as much to your liking so please let me know what kind of story,(happy, sad, injury, getting together etc.)  where (barca, city or england), who's perspective ( lucy, keira, both, from everyone in the story) i think this will help me bring the most joy to you if youre reading the story and for when im writing it.

i hope you guys understand my stuggles atm.

i love every single one of you who supports me and you guys truly put a smile on my face when i read your comments.

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