|Welcome to Jericho Valley|

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Sitting in my car in the school parking lot, I had parked about two minutes ago but I was trying to play out what would happen today in my mind which is pretty stupid since this is my first day.

I know no one here. I looked over at the front campus and couldn't help but feel my anxiety rising... holy shit this place is a palace.

Deciding to stop being a total pussy and get my school day started I exit my car and calmly walk through the lot and front lawn, surrounded by all kinds of different stereo typical groups my eyes dart back and fourth for the entrance doors.
I loathe label but I couldn't help but notice that these groups were so uncanny, ya know like stoners, jocks, preps, nerds, foreigners. But there was one group I saw that actually looked chill.

Would you believe me if I said I felt like I was entering 'Mean Girls' as I passed this group of what I would call hoochie mamas seriously laying down some stink eye at me.

If I didn't know anybetter I'd think this was a college. It then set in that I was basically the only person who wasn't in a group.
Just this clueless random girl wandering around. I hate being the center of attention, although it seemed as though there was segregation between these cliques, it's clear everyone knew each other.
I was an alien arriving on a new planet... new to me at least.

I was starting to hate the fact that I had to move and be enrolled three months into the school year at a different school my senior year, this was supposed to be my year. The year all the great memories would be made.
The year I'd spend hours on end with my closest friends getting into trouble just for the fuck of it, well at least that's what all the cringeworthy teen movies convinced me of.

But no, I was here surrounded by strangers in a place I'd never even heard of. At this moment I never knew it was possible to feel so alone while surrounded by people... in my old town and school, I grew up there. I knew everyone my age and they knew me since entering Kindergarten, this is was so different.

I know you're thinking "Boofuckinghoo, people go through worse, it's just a new school get over it Becky!"
But my name is Amanda and at this naive age of eighteen, isn't being surrounded by friends and being in a place where you recognize everything?

As I entered the building I could feel their eyes burning into my back.

I heard the familiar sounds of whispering and I noticed guys scanning my body and not in 'oh she seems like a nice girl' way.
I shivered.

The chill group of people I had just seen outside  passed me up as I stood in the middle of the main hall looking at the map I received at orientation, surprisingly instead of basically glaring or attempting to check me out, the girls gave me a warm smile and the guys gave me a nod of the head.

I made my way to the sun deck which either gave the option of entering chow hall or entering the lower class men's hallway or taking the stairs up to the upperclassman's territory.

I could now blend in with others instead of seeming like a loner as students made their way here or there. I ascended up the staircase to see teachers walking in and out of classrooms, I began to wonder if any of them would be my teachers.

I pulled out my schedule and decided to head to my locker first, as I said before this place is a palace I couldn't even find a goddamn bathroom.

There was the sound of a bell being rung. Everyone slammed their lockers and walked off.

Here comes that panic.

Gurl you better mooove it!
What did that bell mean? Is class starting?
Am I late? K... I'm lost! Why didn't they give me a tour guide or some shit?

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