Target 26 Part 1: Getting Ready

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Dedicated to: mamayjoylovesTOP. Hello! Sorry, for the late update. :D


Dara's P.O.V

Six Days...

I crossed out the date today on my calendar. It's already the twelfth of August, making it six days before my wedding day. A wedding I didn't like all or wanted at all. It's more of anxiety that I am feeling than excitement. And more importantly, I'm scared what will happen to me.

I grabbed my old apron from my drawer-a black apron with white pleats tracing around it and a huge pocket in the middle and then, tie my hair up into a bun. Six days before hell and I'm going to make the best of it. 

I got outside my room, greeted by Jiyong's feet as he slept on the couch, TOP's head as he slept in the carpet and Sanghyun's arms as he also slept on the carpet, interjected with TOP. I walked towards Jiyong, wrap him up to the neck with the comforter I lend and he immediately nuzzles my hand, murmuring. Unexpectedly, a chuckle comes out of my mouth, making TOP murmur "so noisy" and I quickly cover it out of fear, my eyes wide in shock. After two beats, when I heard TOP snore that's when I relaxed and uncovered my mouth, sighing. 

I shot back to reality again and hurriedly went to the kitchen as I think of a good breakfast that I should cook. Spaghetti. Pizza. Porridge. Bread. Doughnut. Brownies. Cupcakes. Decide...Decide...

A light bulb, I felt, turned on top of my head and I dismissed it off, pissed. Stupid animated things, always popping out of nowhere. =_= Not because I love adorable things means I also love cute animations all the time. Sometimes, they are so stupid and annoying that I want to get rid of them immediately. I felt like they just pop out of nowhere when you needed them--like spirals, light bulbs and oval blushes--you know, the likes and it's getting rather annoying than cool. 

Without even bothering to at least fix my scowl before I cook so the food would be at least taste better, I started doing what has to be done. First off, I chopped bell peppers, onions and garlic. Second off, I turned the stove on and put the pan on the black piece of metal that serves as its support over the fire--like a tripod or something. Third off, I add a little bit of oil, spread it around the surface of the pan and after a minute, sauté the garlic, onion and bell pepper. It started to create an aroma around the house and it might wake the shit out of Bom, who has, by the way, a sensitive nose. So, I have opened the exhaust fan just directly above the pan and it helped clear out the aroma and the smoke. Fourth off, I add the meat--pretty much composed of all the meat I found in the fridge, which is beef, pork and chicken--and add soy sauce, sugar, salt and water. Fifth off, I mix all of it until the soup got thick--not soggy nor dense and pour the contents into a big bowl. 

I opened the rice cooker and saw rice, full to the brim. Without hesitating, I plug the rice cooker in the socket, turn it on and press the 'cook' button. I turned off the stove and clean its surface. It has been months since I cooked and it was my first time and it was the time where I have to cook for myself because Bom is angry at me and she was the one who always cooks because she thinks she had already become independent when Top became her boyfriend.  

The timer went DING! And I quickly attended the rice, placing it in a bowl. With grace, I turned and almost dropped the bowl when I saw Bom leaning forward against the counter, her chin resting on her hand and her lips in its permanent pout. "What's wrong, Dara?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing's wrong." I lied and placed the bowl on the dining table. Bom straightened herself and then, helped me fix the table up. 

"Oh really? The last time you cooked was when I was angry." Bom said and placed the plate mats on the table--enough for five people. 

"Look, Bom. I'm fine. I just woke up early and found that I could spend my time by cooking before you guys woke up." I said, placing plates on the plate mats as Bom placed the utensils beside the plates.  "Besides, it has been months since I cooked."

"Well, as far as I know, we had a deal that I would be the one who'll do the cooking." She said, her hands on her hips. "And that's should be followed even if you woke up earlier than me."

I sat on my chair--the one with my name beautifully carved on it--and sighed. "Okay, I'm beat. I talked to my parents yesterday."

"Oh, they've found their guts already?" Bom raised a brow and sat on the chair contrary to mine. "I thought they won't call you their daughter until you got married."

"That's the problem. They called me because I'm getting married." I rubbed my temple, the spot where my headaches usually occur. 

"Oh? Did Jiyong already proposed to you? Was yesterday a proposal?" Bom asked, her voice seemed like she's oblivious or either her naiveté is working up. 

"No, Bom. My parents decided the wedding for me." I stopped rubbing my temples and witnessed as Bom's face hardened in shock. After a few beats, she jumped from her seat, threw her arms in the air and shouted, "It'll be a double wedding guys! It's official. Bom will be Mrs. Choi. Dara will be Mrs. Kwon. Fan girls, you drool! We're cool-"

I felt sadness had taken over the only happiness I have inside my heart upon hearing Bom's statement. "I'm going to be married to another guy, Bom." I'm never going to be Mrs. Kwon. No happy endings. No prince charming for me. 

She was about to squeal but due to my interruption; she just shouted an "Oh fck. Screw kafirs*."

I shook my head. "You're not even a Muslim."

"I know." She grinned. "But the word is so cool I want to use it. Even just once." 

I sighed. Bom and her religion-related fetish. 

"Okay, back to the topic." She sat on her chair and narrowed her eyes. "What kind of parents do you exactly have? Oh gosh, I don't remember mine being that kill joy and screw my life." 

"Yeah right. I even thought I was adopted." I rolled my eyes. "I don't even want to get married."

"Correction." Bom put her index finger up, so it was pointing at the ceiling. "You want to get married but only to Jiyong." 

"Correction." I smirked. "I don't want to get married but Jiyong is an exception."

Bom groaned. "Okay, you win. I suck at making complicated sentences." She stood up and put a quarter in our 'complicated sentence' jar. If families have swear jars, we have this jar. And only twenty percent of the money in the jar is from mine because I just rock at making complicated sentences. Not so complicated that it makes you a genius or something but the sentences that make your head rack up and spin. 

Bom got back to her seat and announced, "We're not going to make complicated sentences until five minutes. So back to the topic."

"What are you planning to do?" Bom asked. "That dragon will surely breathe fire out of his ugly lips if he knew you're getting married by arrangement."

"That's why I'm planning to keep it until then." I said. 

"That'll surely take some time." Bom grabbed a glass and pour water in it. "When's the wedding?"

"Six days from now." 

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT." Bom rubbed her lips using the back of her hand as she stares at me in awe--and I was also staring at myself in awe--because I was so damn wet. The water from her mouth smells like a crossover of Top's perfume and her perfume, which are the two top perfumes I don't like. 

"You didn't clean your teeth yet." I complained, in the verge of crying. 

"I'm sorry." Bom shook her head. "Say what? Wedding's six days from now? Are they out of their mind?" 

"Maybe." I shrugged. 

"Oh gosh, tell me it's not happening."

"It's happening."

"You're not helping."

"You're not helping either." I groaned. "And your breath smells like a crossover of your perfume and Top's perfume."

"And why?"

"I hate them."

"Explains the comparison." She drank the water in the glass until it was empty and then, put it down. "Anyway, you have to make a plan. Don't marry a guy you don't love, like what Big Mama tells you. Run away. I'm helping."

"It's six days from now. How can you make a plan with the given time?" I asked--pissed by Bom's breath, pissed by my situation and pissed by the fact that we can't devise a plan to escape this stupid fate. 

"Look, I'm going to devise one and all I want you to do is hide the truth from Jiyong until then. I'm going to tell him until then." She narrowed her eyes and I nodded. "Good. Because the last thing I want you to do is ride a horse named Angus and stumble upon a witch and instead of crying your guts out you asked her to make a tart that would change your destiny and you'll make your mother eat it and she'll turn into a bear. Disgusting." She rolled her eyes. 

"What's disgusting?" I looked up and saw Top, half-naked with only his dinosaur pajamas on. He went over to Bom and they were about to kiss when I stopped them, quickly. 

"What?" Top asked, annoyed by the fact I'm interrupting their morning kiss, but the fact that Bom's breath isn't good lingers both inside my head and nose wins over. I gulped. 

"Uh, table manners and rules. No kissing in front of the food." I stammer. "Do it somewhere private."

"One day having a boyfriend and you were bringing table manners up already." Top rolled his eyes. "Fine. Wait for me. I'm going to brush my teeth first." 

"I'm going too." Bom stood up, quickly. 

"But you already have brushed your teeth." Top blinked the sleep out twice. 

"Uh," Bom blinked. "I'm going to do it again for you." 

Top narrowed his eyes but then, shortly agreed. "Okay. Let's go." And they both disappeared into the bathroom. 

I shook my head. Bom and her horny acts. 

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me but bear this in mind it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me." The crease on my forehead straightens as I look up to see Jiyong, also half-naked but much a fresher sight to see than Top. He's still in his 'marriage proposal'-like mood from yesterday and I just chuckle, because I don't think I would have enough of this guy. 

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile." He walked over to me and lean his back against the chair beside me and I smiled, forcing my eyes to crinkle, which made him chuckle and press the crinkle. "You've never loved your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine." He traced my spine using his index finger and I shivered. Jiyong laughed as if it was funny and I glared at him.

He shrugged. "But I'll love them endlessly

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to. I’m in love with you. And all these little things..." He smiled and leaned back again in the chair, smiling.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea," He shrugged.  "And maybe that's the reason that you talk, in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me." He grinned, staring at the vast expanse of air around us as if remembering something and my forehead creased, again.

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape .You never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeansBut...” He chuckled as I slap his arm. "You're perfect to me." 

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to. I'm in love with you, and all these little things..." He looked at me in the eye, holding my gaze so strong I can't look at anything but his eyes. His eyes those were so dark and very brown. His eyes that define his masculinity despite of his skinny body...

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' but I want you to. If I let you know, I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself, like I love you. Oh." He was already hitting high notes and I can't help but chuckle in his seriousness.  

"And I've just let these little things slip, out of my mouth cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you, they add up to. And I'm in love with you. And all these little things..." He sighed, taking a deep breath then, continued in a much higher note. 

"I won't let these little things slip, out of my mouth, but if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to. I'm in love with you. And all your little things." He stopped and I felt my hands clap on their own in unison with other hands. Then, I saw Top and Bom emerge from the bathroom, their eyes crinkling from too much joy and happiness. 

"Bravo, Jiyong! The great Kwon leader singing a song of One Direction. Good indeed. Mon ami." Top chuckled. "Now, your fans will think you're a directioner."

"The song has morals. I just wanted to sing it to Dara." Jiyong pouted. 

Bom abruptly, hysterically laughed. "And now he's pouting! Oh gosh, I didn't know that if he would have a girlfriend, he would act like this." 

"Spoken by someone who also changed." Jiyong rolled his eyes. 

I wanted to cry and I was on the verge of but I suppressed it. I am sure going to miss them, especially Jiyong. Their rowdiness and roughhousing. Everything. And if I would be gone by six days, I want to remember all of it and treasure it until I die. The precious moments we had together as friends or maybe, family. If destiny doesn't forbid, at least make me treasure them. That's the least it could do to make me at least happy with my planned life. 

"Anyway, Dara cooked breakfast since she has a lot of time on her hands. She cooked bulgogi." Bom said and I was shocked that she knew, given that she was paying more attention to my problem than the dish I cooked. 

"Oh really? Then, let's definitely eat." Jiyong grinned and was about to take seat beside me when Bom glared at him, so he took hers instead. Bom occupied the seat beside me.

She was about to get rice but then hesitated and shouted, "SANGHYUN BABY! IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT HERE!" 

I was amazed when Sanghyun replied back, "CORRECTION. IT'S LAZY SEXY BUTT!"

Bom scoffed. "PUT A QUARTER IN THE JAR!"

"I DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE!" Sanghyun protested, now already standing from the living room. "AND WE'RE NOT MAKING COMPLICATED SENTENCES!"


Sanghyun rolled his eyes. "Screw my life. Screw ahjummas who screws my life." but then, he put two quarters in the jar. 

"Oh yeah, reminds me. Jiyong, there's another audition in YG right? For your music video again?" Bom asked and she nudged me. 

"Oh not mine." Jiyong protested. "It'll be automatically Dara if it's mine. It's Big Bang’s this time." 

"Ooooh." Bom nudged me again. "I wanted to ask. So, you're the leading man?"

"Not yet decided. Changes will occur depending on the girl who'll be chosen. Why?" Jiyong asked. 

"Oh, it's just that. I'm going to YG later on and I'll bring Ssantokki with me. So when she sees you interviewing females, she wouldn't doubt. Right?" Bom turned to me and showed her agree-or-you'll-face-my-wrath smile with a raised brow. I nodded and smiled at Jiyong. 

"Oh yes. It's kind of boring here being alone. Besides, I missed Teddy Appa." I lied, on the part of being alone because every time I'm alone here in the apartment, I have many things to do but the part of missing appa, oh hell yes, I missed him. 

Jiyong shrugged. "It's fine with me."

"We don't need your permission." Bom snapped. 

"It's fine with me even if you're not asking for my permission." Jiyong snapped. 

"Bom Noona, put a quarter in the jar." Sanghyun feebly and politely said, now sitting between Top and Bom, in the chair at the top middle. 

"And why?" Bom asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "You don't even live here."

"The jar now accepts a quarter from persons who got speechless by another person." He said and everyone laughed. 

"Park Sanghyun, put a quarter in the jar." 

"I already did." 

And then, Bom grunt, stood up and instead of putting in only one quarter, she puts in two because she got speechless two times. Then, she grabbed a marker and changed our jar's title in her messy handwriting using a marker.

The Complicated Sentence, Unrespectful People & Speechless Person Jar

Audition [Daragon]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora