Target 29: Special Chapter [Bom]

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Dedicated to: RohcelleMaeTanezaJime. :) 

First Comment=Dedication

Wonderful Comment=Dedication

Bom's P.O.V

I was worried Top won't call me after he talked to Jiyong's family, a generation of Kwon residing on the far side of Seoul starting from his aunt to his nephews, because as far as I know, Jiyong's isn't in good terms of his family except of his older sister these couple of days since the date where Dara got shot at the back.

I could clearly remember how that day started and ended with a tragic ending. When Dara was being operated, Jiyong wasn't set at ease and kept on pounding at the E.R's door. I had to call of the remaining members of BigBang to restrain him.

But there was something funny about Jiyong.

His eyes were different.

I've known Jiyong since I can remember, and just by seeing his eyes you could tell he's a little bit off. I remember when he saw Wooyoung and Dara hug each other by the Han River; he automatically called us (That's me and Top.) to join him in his distress. Jiyong led us both to some kind of a restaurant at Sangsu-dong. He will always say when we ask him of the occasion, "I'm so happy for Dara, that's why we're celebrating." but his eyes said otherwise. They were sad.

But at the waiting area, I knew he wasn't just worried about Dara. He was troubled and also, worried about something else. Often, he would look at Dara's picture at his phone while waiting and sometimes, he would look at his family picture. I tried to ask, but I remembered he's secretive about his family. That's when I learned that only his older sister remained in a family of five for him.

I had to approach him, and ask him about his problem while Dara was being operated. The machines inside just continues to BEEP and BLEEP, but at least we're assured Dara's safe and alive.

I put a hand on Jiyong's shoulder, gave it a squeeze, and he just automatically said it. "My older sister was the only one who remained for me in our family of five when my fight with my brother started two months ago."

And I didn't push him with other information, because he was close to crying. Boys hate crying.

"We have to talk to Jiyong about this." Top said as he pushes himself inside the car.

"What?! We can't! Jiyong has been kidnapped!" I hysterically said, both of my palms spread wide in front of me.

Top sneered. "Are you kidding me? That would be near to impossible, Bom."

I wheezed. "Top, listen, it's not near to impossible, -" He picked up his phone, and began dialing. "Everyone can be kidnapped even against by their own will."


I froze, and I felt the color from my face drained.

Top stuck a tongue out at me, and told Jiyong, "Bom thinks you've been kidnapped."

Jiyong chuckled. "That's impossible. I'm currently working, and going to catch up at my brother later after the work is done."

"Jiyong, I was going to ask about your-"

"Dara has been fooled!" I cut Top from his sentence, my eyes wide in fear.

"What?" Jiyong screamed from the other line.

"S-She told me you were kidnapped at Busan and she's going to save you by giving herself up." I told him.

"Why would she go to Busan--and why would I get kidnapped anyway in the first place?" He asked.

I gulped, and silently prayed in my head to God to save my best friend, us, of course, from keeping this secret to Jiyong and also, to keep him from killing us, as much as possible. "Listen, Dara has been told that her parents arranged a forced marriage for her to a man we don't know. The man has been doing crazy things these past days and that would include the media interruption when we were having a meeting with YG sangjanim. Now, he called Dara a while ago and told her you've been kidnapped. I don't know how he fooled her that awesome, or if Dara would be a fool to actually believe in him when you aren't kidnapped, but she told me to follow her at this resort at Busan so we could devise a plan. But only me, no you and no Top. Just me."

"The crazy thing is that man is really great that he made Dara believe Jiyong was kidnapped." Top commented. "I'm impressed, Jiyong."

I knew Top now knew the truth, well partly, but still he knows something unlike me, which is the best friend. And as if to make me not look stupid anymore, I heard Jiyong sigh at the other side and he said, "It was my brother Dara's going to marry."

"Your brother?!" I shrieked, my hands clenching on top of Top's lap. I didn't even know they have gone that far.

Top sighed. "Yep, it's his brother all right."

"He's the closest person I could ever think of doing that, may I remind you and my mother told me two days ago to come home at Busan because he's going to marry. The bride remained clueless, though." Jiyong said. "But then, I didn't know it would be Dara until yesterday when I talked to my brother in person while we're currently on a date.  
He said, I could finally have my revenge from twenty four years of torture."

"What did you do to your brother?" I asked, breathlessly.

"I didn't do anything, honestly. He was just this one who's constantly jealous of me because of nothing." Jiyong defended himself.

"We have to save Dara." Top quickly said, punching the steering wheel before the talk turns to Jiyong's life with his brother. "It could've been a trap, or something we all can't simply devise a plan on without every one of us cooperating."

I began to think of plans. Even if I'm not that genius or smart, I'm good at tactics. If there is something at least I could do good on, that would be planning.

"I have a plan." I announced, smirking. "And I know it's going to work."

I stood behind the airport's installed stools at the boarding area, my shoulder bag secured at my hand's grip. A lot of people are looking at me; one even stumbled from walking because he can't get enough of looking at me, because I forgot to cover my face up due to excitement.  
It was stupid of me, but then no one is taking a picture and starting a ruckus, so I guess this would be fine. And plus, if there's something good about boarding a plane with your boyfriend and his friend bought the ticket for you, it's always first class.

The flight stewardess made the persons with the tickets alike to mine board first, and because I got the front seat, they tended to me first. I board the plane quickly as if it would make the ride faster to Busan, and sat on my seat. There was triumph spreading at my cheeks, and the person at the seat across from me quietly laughed. I turned my head down.

When the passengers had all filed in, I waited for the pilot and the stewardesses to do their thing, watching them in complete bore as they discuss about plain rules. I just got interested in the sentence when they said the plane is now at departure.

I woke up when the airplane was already circling under Busan, the pilot announcing our arrival. Rubbing out the sleep from my eyes, I straightened up and braced myself as the plan goes down the land.  
Busan was naturally sunny, sunnier than Seoul had ever been. Its trees danced with the air as it blew to the right and to the left, and the rhythmic tune the city hall was playing gave it a summer feel to it. It's really August here.

I was the first to go up and exit the plane, afraid that I'll lose time to find Dara in case the resort she gave me was a fake. Busan is bigger than Seoul, and I haven't even explored Seoul in one day. With Busan, and with the remaining three days, it wasn't enough to find one person you're utterly clueless where is she.

I took a cab towards the resort, and the driver gasped in grimace when he saw the address.

"I once worked to the old shack near that resort." He said, and I take my phone back to me.

"Then why did you become a taxi cab driver?" I asked, curiously.

"The family I was working for moved to Seoul after the grandfather died. It was a devastating sight to see, because all of the hardworking they paid off back at their land was put to waste by some small parchment of testament and wills. I don't really know what the grandfather is up to back then, ten years ago, but then I think it had served as a lesson for the family to live their life away from the fields and back to where it supposed to be." He said. "The father of the family was supposed to be a businessman in Seoul, but then he was deprived of his father so he became a farmer and a land owner at Busan. Instead of running a business, he runs people and mills."

"At least he got some bits of business." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah, but the problem just got started when their youngest son turned ten. Days after his birthday, his mother got home from attending a funeral in Seoul, and guess what, she appeared with another ten year old son. Apparently, she got raped when she attended their reunion ten years before and therefore, she got pregnant and bore that son. She left the son with his father, and then, just came back when the father died so she could raise the son on her own here in Busan. Eventually, the couple engages too many fights about the wife being so careless, or her keeping that secret or the husband for being so immature and refuse to accept her son. It was endless, almost everyday and the people living beside their shack, which is their employed people like us, can’t sleep. Then one time, when the couple was bickering about the education of their kids, I heard the kids talking that involves a lot of shouting and revealing of secrets. After that night, I saw the family ever got closer.” He told me, as we approach a series of lands with rice and wheat growing from them. It was hectares, and it looked beautiful with the different variety of colors. Yellow. Green. They’re alternative.

“That’s good. The family decided to change for a cause. I mean, it’s not the outside son’s fault that he’s born from a different father.” I said, feeling a little fuzzy because I just felt I knew the persons involving the story. It was a gut feeling deep inside the pits of my stomach.

“Yeah, but, according to my son--he was just eight when he became schoolmates with the couple’s kid—the boys had a fight because the kid from—Wait, let me give them names. Let’s name kid from the outside K.O and kid from the inside K.I. You know, outside, means different father.” He said, maybe because he got dizzy about pertaining to them as kid, and I know what it feels, telling a story with characters named as kid and kid.

“Okay, so K.O became jealous of K.I because the latter seems to be always the best. I mean, K.I is a genius, he should always be getting the best. Anyway, when K.I became one, K.O became third. And the fighting again began since then.” He said. “Okay, miss, here’s the resort.”

“Thanks for the story, ahjussi. And please take care.” I handed him my fare fee and went out of his taxi. As he turned back towards the city, he saluted at me first and I smiled. I went inside the resort.

For a resort, it wasn’t something I could expect as beautiful. There were two pools, one for children’s and one for adults’, and cabins stretch like mountains at my left side. Only a few were occupied, I assume, because only a few rooms were lit and strangely, no one was using the pools.

I went to the counter, and find Dara’s name. Sure enough she was here, the other two rooms beside her were unoccupied. I bought the room on the right side of hers, because it was much bigger at the room on her left, and the counter gave me the keys.

“It’s not supposed to be on sale, based on the other customer who bought that girl’s room because he didn’t want his girlfriend to have friends. But then,” The cashier winked at me. “I’m a rebel.”

I wiggled my keys. “Thanks.”

I went to my room, and dropped my bag on the bed, quickly as possible in just one swift motion. Then, I locked the room again, and knocked on Dara’s door. There was shuffling, squeaking, and when the door opened, someone flew towards me, hugging me tightly.

“Bom,” Dara murmured against my hair. “I’m scared.”

I pat her backside. “It’s okay. I’m here.”

We lingered outside until we were spotted by the janitor.

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