Target 12: His New Girl

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Dedicated to: dethlovesyou. READERRRRRR!

By the way, to the other readers, just wait and I'll dedicate some chapters to you too.

Dara's P.O.V

6:00 a.m.

I groan, wobbly walking towards the living room as I massage my temples, feeling a little dizzy from the tiring shooting yesterday. My shoulders hurt, my back hurts, my head hurts, everything hurts. Don't mention, I also cried a river there because of my first kiss. It's my first kiss, it's natural for me to react like I cared. Because when he took it from me, I also felt he took my Virgie away from me too, so easily. And when I say Virgie, it means only one thing, and that's virginity, nothing else. Because mentioning it is very dangerous whenever Bom's around, that's why I chose to call it 'Virgie'. It's not because she's angry it was taken from her already that's why she doesn't want to hear it from me, but because it's a very confidential secret for girls that's why mentioning it to strangers or to other people besides your friends is a BIG NO. And of course, it was already taken from her because of...Top. He's her first! OMONA! Stop making me mentioning it further because whenever I mention it, Bom's story about that 'thing' just keeps on repeating in my mind, not to mention, she detailed it. 

I jump on the couch, slamming my body on, still flustered by what was running on my thoughts and open the T.V, my eyes blinking continuously. The sleep can't get out of my spirit, and I feel like I want to go back to bed again. But I need to wake up early, or I'll experience Bom's wrath, not to mention Top's not here to help me. So, I need to save my life by myself today. He casually sleeps here, but stays in his house when his parents are around. But once they left Korea for US, he'll go back here and sleeps with Bom. And whenever he's here, I never fail forget to remind him, and of course Bom that they should not do anything stupid because I don't want to hear any groans, moans and grunts while I, at the room next door, try to sleep. 

My eyes can't clearly read the headline of the news today, but when I saw the kissing scene of yesterday's events, my eyes grow wide. I rub my eyes rapidly, taking out the sand from my eyes and even slap my cheeks softly, waking my senses up. When I open my eyes, the headline is still there.

Who's the lucky girl? Today, my dear K-Pop fans, is the release of G-Dragon's new single, and music video. But what fans are going crazy for is the torrid kissing scene in the music video as mentioned by the director himself when interviewed, and we could say a passionate one indeed. Guess what, the lucky girl is not a celebrity! But is she a future celebrity? Because YG did tell us there'll be a girl version of Big Bang! Oh no folks! Looks like that girl is getting haters before she could even debut if that happens!

"And when G-Dragon is asked about it, this is what he said." The reporter says, her delivery somehow made my stomach turn lopsided, making me nervous all of a sudden and I hug one pillow tightly, watching attentively at the news in front of me. Haters? Again? OMONA! Why can't I escape from getting too many haters? To too much bashing? To too much rumors! I feel like I should turn down at signing the contract, before it's too late! I'm going to sacrifice my private life here if you don't mind! Just look at this mess! I'm getting haters before our debut? What is the meaning of this? Why do they fuss over, er, BIG THINGS? I mean, for Jiyong, obviously it's just a kiss! Nothing more and nothing less! Then, they'll cuss about it like it's the most precious thing in the world? It's like they're telling me I should be happy my first kiss was Jiyong. Well, I'm glad it was him and not just any stranger, but the fact that I can't give it anymore to my future husband...IT'S UNACCEPTABLE! 

Then, Jiyong's face flashes on the screen, hiding his face as the press continuously asks him about the kissing scene, and who was the girl in the music video, which irritates me somehow. He looks at the camera, takes his scarf down and answers, "She auditioned for it, and she got it."

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