Target 28: Looking For Secret Husband

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Dedicated to: foreverawesome08. Hello! :) Keep on believing! 

First Comment=Dedication

Wonderful Comment=Dedication

Dara's P.O.V

I woke up with my arms draped over Jiyong's stomach and his hand on my arm. He was lying on his back, while I lay on my side. My side felt numb.

I turned, grunting and stood up, unconsciously seeing myself in my vanity mirror. The mask still fits in my face, but I felt my wounds underneath aching for cleaning. I grabbed my towel, fresh clothes and my own make-up kit.

I exited my room, and saw Chaerin's foot dangling by the couch. I laughed, because it was a sight to see.

I went to the bathroom and took a long bubble bath. My own vocabulary of comfort has now started. The grime and grease I earned from those filthy suitors I met, I just scrubbed it off. They're just dirt.

When I was finished taking a bath, I put on my fresh clothes, a peach sweatshirt and white shorts, and started to apply cream on my face.  
Then, I concealed my wounds using the concealer. When I was done, I gathered up my things and went out.

Bon was busy flipping omelets on the frying pan; her body shaking into the beat of Top's playlist, and at the kitchen table sat our Dj, Top, with his MacBook in front of him.

"Mornin'" I greeted smiling.

"Mornin'" Top greeted back, not sparing a glance.

"Honey, after you put your used clothes in the laundry basket can you come over here and help me make breakfast? I think omelets aren't enough to fill us in." Bom said, also not sparing a glance. I quickly went to my room, dropped my make-up kit on my drawer and threw my used clothes in the laundry basket. After that, and spraying some perfume, I went out to help Bom.

I was very excited about helping Bom in the kitchen, because never did she let me make breakfast when she's home. Breakfast is her thing, she always said so I was the one always cooking for dinner. I've eaten all of the dishes she has always done. From omelets to hot dogs to pancakes to breads, name it all and Bom had cooked it for us both. But one dish doesn't occur twice a month. She would just cook one dish once a month. That explains the variety of food during breakfast.

I wore my apron and started to work on opening the package of hot dogs in the sink. I counted the people in the room, multiply it by four and grab the hot dogs pertaining to the answer, which is twenty four. Then, I place all of the hot dogs on a plate, place a frying pan beside Bom's and opened the stove. The water on the pan sizzles, and when it had completely dissolved, I place oil.

"Not too much on mornings, honey." Bom reminded me as she works on her second omelet. I nodded, and pour only enough amount of oil for twenty four hot dogs. Then, when the oil was warm enough, I placed the hot dogs softly on the pan. It made the oil bubble, and become violent, if you know what I mean.

"Be careful." Bom said. Again, I nodded.

I flip the hot dogs every now and then to prevent it from getting burnt. When I was done, I turned off the stove, place the hot dogs on one plate and served. The time I served, Chaerin had been already up, yawning just across from where I am, and Top had cleared out his MacBook from the table.

"Oh, honey, please wake up Jiyong." Bom pleaded in her softest voice, and placed butter and maple syrup on the table. I obliged, entering my room again, and poked Jiyong's head.

"Wake up." I muttered, poking his head strongly, but Jiyong answered with a grunt, turning his body to the other side. Oh yeah, I forgot. He's a heavy sleeper.

I went outside, and my friends suddenly became surprised by my appearance. They just had started to eat, and I had interrupted Minzy with her thanksgiving prayer.

"Just go on." I whispered, and went to the fridge, opening the upper door. The artificial cold breeze sent shivers down my spine, it was really cold. I grabbed one pack of ice, closed the fridge, went to the counter, emptied the ice box and placed the ice cubes in a small bowl and added a glass of water to the bowl. The outermost covering of the bowl quickly got snow, or something on it and I smiled in triumph.

I raised it up. "This will lead me to success!"

"Hooray!" Top shouted, and the others joined him, "Hooray! Hooray!"

I went back inside my room, aimed the bowl at Jiyong's head, and closed my eyes.

Forgive me, I thought.

And I turned the bowl upside down.

"I will kill you before we'll get married." Jiyong said, his voice was shaking and sneezed.

Top muttered, "Bless you." and handed him a tissue. Jiyong accepted it ungratefully and sneezed on it. He crumpled it in his hands and rocks his body back and forth. I gingerly tighten the blanket covering his body, and Bom handed me our curtain. Doubting, I looked at it but then wrapped it around Jiyong anyways.

"That doesn't even make sense." I answered Jiyong, feeding him omelet. I felt the others looked at me with surprise looks.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and said, "Why?" before putting the spoon in his mouth.

"Because you won't have a bride at your wedding." I said, and then bit my lip. Why did we get this topic anyway?

"Then I won't get easy on you on our..." He muttered incoherent words under his breath. We didn't hear the rest of his sentence.

"Look dragon, that's just a cold for goodness' sake. Actually, when I did the same thing to Top, he didn't get sick. You should have an appointment with your family doctor because that might be some sort of illness. Or if not, you're just thin and weak enough you get sick at such lame reasons." Bom said, pointing her fork at Jiyong, and he just nodded. I was glad he didn't put her words to the heart.

Jiyong quickly stood up, his legs trembling as he stood. "I'm going to take a bath now. I have work to finish."

He dragged himself towards the bathroom, and as soon as he locked the door, everyone sighed.

Top was the first one to break the ice. "I have a lead to Dara's future husband. It came from Jiyong."

Bom slapped the table, making the things on top of it jump slightly. "You told him about our secret?!" She hissed.

Top shook his head. "No, I didn't. I asked for male celebrities who have older brothers and have been Dara's suitor."

"How will he know that?" Chaerin snapped, the tablecloth crumpling in her hands as her grip on it tightens.

"Jiyong is a professional stalker, CL. Before he became Dara's boyfriend, he had researched everything about her from top to bottom, except he didn't know about her private life. He asked many people about her life, and he interviewed all of her suitors." Top explained his voice soft and quiet unlike Chaerin's.

"Who are your speculations?" Bom asked, her arms crossed.

Top sighed, and grabbed his bag on top of the counter. He pulled out dozens of folders, and placed it on top of the table, then, spread it. "Lee Min Ho. Choi Min Ho. Dong Youngbae-"

"Wait, Taeyang Oppa too?" Minzy interrupted.

Top shrugged. "You'll never know." Then, he continued, reading lots of names that some I have forgotten and some I still remember. They were all recommendations from the TopBom couple, while some of them are recommendations of recommendations and so on.  Jiyong was the only suitor I had that I knew without any recommendations.

"Are we going to hunt for these people?" Bom asked after Top read all of the names, and had placed all the folders back to his bag.

"I only have one target in my mind, but I think we should have different targets. From the names I said, whom do you have this kind of vibe he's the culprit?" He said.

"I'm going for Taeyang Oppa." Minzy said.

"And why?" Bom asked, completely amazed.

"I think he still loves Dara Unnie up until now, and I know you can't forget your first love. Even when new romances come, first love never dies." Our maknae answered.

"Well, fairly well said." Bom commented, and turned to Top. "I'll go with Lee Min Ho, I've got this vibe that man hasn't changed very much since Dara decided he's not good for a boyfriend, and I think he's getting revenge."

"Well, I'm going to the swimmer dude that I forgot the name, and I know you guys also forgot his name. I mean, those suitors are dozens." Chaerin pointed at Top's bag where the folders are hidden. "Anyway, I remember an interview that I accidentally watched where he said he wants revenge from his brother."

"Well, since we all had taken a bath now, let's start finding." Top initiated, and stood up. Everyone except me followed his lead.

"What about me?" I interrupted when Bom was about to say, "Ah Go Go Go!"

"You stay here and don't do anything. The last thing I want you to do is do something that would worsen up everything. Let your wounds heal. We got it covered." Chaerin said, raising a brow.

I smiled. "Okay, take care of yourselves."

Bom shouted, "Ah go! Go! Go!" and they went out of our apartment, through the makeshift door Top made.

As if on cue, Jiyong got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his body from the waist down. He looked at me in awe and asked, "Where are they going?"

I shrugged. "Somewhere."

"Do you want to come with me?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. I'll stay here and clean."

"Okay," For a moment, I saw his face turn grim. "Let me change first."

I just played with my hands while I wait for Jiyong to come out, naming them with the names I thought about giving if I would have kids with Jiyong. When I'm finished naming my fingers on my hands, I named my toes.

"What are you doing?" I heard Jiyong ask.

I shrugged. "Naming my fingers so I won't forget the name I want for our kids."

"How many of your fingers did you name?" He asked again.

"All of them."

"You named all twenty?"

"Yeah. What's the problem with tha-" I stopped in mid sentence when I had finally faced Jiyong. Then, I repeated our conversation in my head. What're we talking about?

"OMOOOOO! YAAAAAAAH! Kwon Jiyong you jerk!" I shouted, flailing my arms, and covered my face in embarrassment. I just said I'm naming our kids. I mean, first of all we won't even have kids. But if we do, oh gosh, twenty? Do you want me to lose my freaking mattress?

"Okay, I understand." He hugged me while I still cocooned myself, and I don't want to hug him back. Not. Now.

"I hate myself." I murmured against my hands, which are now getting sweaty.

"Nah, don't be. If you don't want twenty, we can try out for twelve.  
Or fifteen." He said, or joked. I don't know. You can't be sure of him. So I slapped his shoulder, and quickly brought back my hand to my face after.

"I did it out of boredom." I honestly replied. "You were in my room for fifteen minutes, and I just killed time."

He chuckled. "Okay, I understand. Stop whining."

Then, I felt myself being lifted in the air, even though I'm still cocooning myself. I felt the brush of the air against my toes, and out of fear, I quickly wrap my arms around Jiyong's neck.

He lifted me on his way towards the makeshift door, and when he had reached the outside, he turned ad dropped me inside. I think.

"I'm not going home tonight. I'm going to visit my brother." He said, and I caught a glimpse of sadness in his voice.

"Okay." I replied. "Can I meet your brother?"

His eyes widen, and then he laughed. "Oh no, you cannot. His home is very far from here. You should just stay here in the apartment."

"Okay." I replied, and kissed him on the lips. He deepened it, pushing my waist closer to his body, and today, I just obliged. After a few seconds, he was the one who pulled out.

"Dara, listen. When someone calls, don't believe him, okay? You just got to believe that what will happen is the opposite of what he says and everything will be fine as long as we're together. You understand?" He said, pointing at my heart, and I answered him with a nod. Jiyong sighed, and hugged me.

"Remember that I love you." He said, and kissed the top of my head.

I nodded. "I love you."

Then, he pulled out and walked away.

I clutched onto my heart. It was beating fast.

This isn't good.

When I went inside back again, I just paced. No matter when my mind thinks that I should clean the house, it just keeps on going back to what Jiyong said, "I'm going to meet my brother."

Then, the other clues started to fill my mind.

"My brother and I have the same ending. Mine is not as fairytale as you think."

"His brother is also a celebrity, but is topping the charts worldwide."

"He's jealous of his brother."

I punched my head. Why I didn't ask Jiyong what his brother’s name is?  
I mean, do he even have a brother? Why I didn't meet him? Why Jiyong did introduce me to his Noona only?!

My phone suddenly rang when my mind was still swimming with hundreds of thoughts and possibilities. I just can't seem to think straight. My brain starts to become fuzzy.

I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D. I just automatically answered it.


"Listen, little girl."

I scowled, because I wasn't anymore in the mood for listening to some stranger. "Who are you, dirtball?!"

"If you don't listen I'll kill your boyfriend in just one second."

I frowned. "I don't-"

There were footsteps, just a small amount, and I heard someone say loudly against the phone, "Dara! Don't believe him! I'm okay!"

I almost dropped my phone. It was Jiyong.

"Now, are you going to listen?" He asked.

My hands trembled against my phone. "You vicious dirtball, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm just telling you to go here in Busan and attend our wedding. If you don't, well, I'm going to crash and kill the human wall that prevents you to do so." He softly said like a teller telling me to insert my card, but his voice was full of vile, revenge, jealousy, and other negative emotions I could tell and couldn't tell. One from it is loneliness. I don't know either.

"Where do you want me to go?" I asked.

"You aren't going here at the warehouse, sweetie. You're going on a resort in Busan, and I'm keeping you safe there until our wedding time comes." He said. "If you try to exit the resort without any of my bodyguards or do anything stupid that includes escaping, I'm going to make you watch from the television screen as I kill your boyfriend, got  that?"

"I got it. Send me the location of the resort." I said.

"Good girl, because of that, I'm going to let you talk to your boyfriend for a minute." He said, and I ward series of sounds like a microphone being tapped on the other side. Once it cleared out, I only heard Jiyong.

"Dara, you shouldn't have agreed. I would rather die than seeing you marry someone you don't love." He said, and I started to cry.

"Look, Jiyong you just got to believe that we're doing this because it's necessary and it'll be fine for me to marry a dirtball as long as you're fine. I'm doing this because I love you."

"But Dara-"

And the line ended. I quickly fumbled with my phone and called Bom. She answered on the third ring, and the revving of the car's engine prevented me to hear her clearly.

"Dara, I have to tell you something." She said. "Top and I will meet up after he had gathered enough information. You just got to stay there and-"

"No!" I shouted.

"What? Dara we're trying to save your life and Jiyong's life here!" She shouted back.

"Listen, Bom I'm going to save Jiyong's life. I'm going to a resort at Busan because my future husband and I had a deal. If I don't show up, Jiyong'll be dead. I want you to check-in to the exact resort and make our plan there." I bit my finger.

"What? Jiyong's been kidnapped?!" She shouted, and I heard the car's tires screeched.

"Bom we have no much time to lose. Three days have been burned. Only three days left. We just got to make a plan." I told her. "Are you with me?"

"Of course. Send me the location and I'll follow you quickly there."

I ended the call quickly, and sent her the location my future husband sent me. I grabbed the nearest backpack at Bom's closet, because her room is nearer and stored my laptop and phone there together with a photo album, which I don't really know why. Then, I went out.

I looked around, then down. At my foot awaits a plane ticket.

Note: Special Chapters on the next 2 following chapters. The first one is posted together with this.

Note 2: I was scanning the whole previous chapter after I posted it...and I was laughing out loud after that, that I almost knocked my head off. Apparently, to explain things clearly and in a nice way also, even though I love K-Pop very much I have this kind of bad eyesight at faces. Whenever I see Korean faces, I just mistook them with another. I remember at sometime in 2006 when BigBang was still airing their reality show, I had a hard time on distinguishing aHyunseung to Seungri, and G-Dragon to Daesung. I remember what I said when I was watching, "Oh, I liked the leader's smile and eyes. He just has those charismatic eye smiles." Then, after a year I learned G-Dragon didn't own those eye smiles. It was Daesung. All. Along. I just hate myself for that. (And there are many people today are being mistaken by me. Like, Daehyun to Jongup and Youngjae of B.A.P. And etc...)

In relation to that, that's why I am suffering in something like I can't distinguish Park Eun-hye from Park Shin-hye. I even thought at first that they're twins. They just look that alike that I can't tell. Even after years of watching a lot of their dramas, I'm still troubled. And now look what it has done, I mismatched their names completely in my story.

I intended Shin-hye there, but then since I've written Eun-hye there already, well, there's no turning back now.

I hope we have the matter cleared. Ha-ha. ^^

I just hope no one muttered, "Fake fan." while reading the previous chapter. (Even though I don't have a clue about that, I just hope no one did.)

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