Target 7: Get Rid Of The Things That Can Get On Your Way

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Author: Dedicate to Miss PaulineDawa! New reader, kekekekekeke. Please enjoy the update!

Dara's P.O.V

"It's okay. I'm here now." Jiyong assures, massaging my right shoulder gently. I feel soothe all over me with his words of comfort. I hate lies, but if he continues to say beautiful lies like this, I'll probably be dead in too much giddy. 

"You can tell me some details." He says and I look up to see him, somehow showing some evidence how sad I am. "It's much better than knowing just you two falling in love then breaking-up after."

I sigh, looking down again, and fight the tears that want to escape from my eyes. I'll dehydrate if I don't stop these tears strolling down or it'll lead me to never-ending hiccups. "I broke-up with him because...I decided it."

"Why did you decided on something that will just hurt you after? It's just like deciding on something but breaking your own heart too in the process." He says, his hand on my shoulder swiftly drifting its way to my head, massaging it gently. I can feel my eyes moisten and I quickly rub it. I hate to admit, but Jiyong's right. It did hurt me from the process, but I only did that not to hurt myself deeply before it's too late. Then slowly, I drifted my mind to the day where I broke my heart, smashing it into pieces with my hammer-like words. It's just too painful, seeing myself being miserable without him. I just then realized I focused on Youngbae that much that I didn't see how the people around me cared for me. How they became miserable just to make me happy. How I became dull Dara after the break-up. I see they wanted bright Dara back. 

"Y-Yeah." I say, covering my face. He uses his free hand again to remove my hands from my face and rubs my tears. "I know I'm wrong for breaking our hearts, and it hurts to admit that...that...that...our relationship is one-sided."

He gasps. "Did Youngbae said he doesn't love you no more?" 

I shake my head slowly, wiping the tears escaping from my eyes. I slap my cheeks gently, waking me into my senses. It's my fault and I don't want to back out. Youngbae's now a piece of my past, my precious past. I know how miserable my life had been without him. Bom and Top has been always by my side and now, Jiyong is there to help me. I'll be moving on quickly. 

"Then why did you broke-up with him?" He asks, rubbing the back of my head. He uses his hand to move my head on his chest, giving warmth all over me. He caresses my head, assuring me to cry it all out. I hum a sad tone and finally warm tears fall down my cheeks, wetting his shirt. 

"His fans said t-that he's crying because of me. I'm possessive and dominant." I whine, clutching on to his shirt like a Koala to its tree. I can perfectly smell his perfume and I'm starting to feel bad about him, I'm wetting his shirt after all. 

"Dontcha wish your ex-boyfriend was..." He sings to the tune of Pussycat dolls' song 'Dontcha'. I look up to him and he looks down to me. His eyes, gazing deeply at mine.

"HOT like me?" He continues, winking at me, the word 'hot' was emphasize. I chuckle and slap his arm lightly. He pinches my nose, his face getting closer to mine. 

"Dontcha wish Youngbae was HOT like me? Dontcha!" He sings again, winking at me and removes his hand from my nose. I hold my nose and massage it gently while chuckling with Jiyong's behavior. Aigoo, guys will be guys forever. 

"I didn't wish Youngbae will be as HOT as you. He's HOT enough. I mean he has a GOOD figure." I say, crossing my legs on the bench, facing Jiyong. He raises a brow, his mouth hanging open. 

"So you saw Youngbae's body already?" He asks in a shock tune. I slap his arm gently, pouting. 

"Of course I am! I'm his girlfriend after all." I say, pouting. He gasps and covers his open mouth. 

"So you do the 'thing' with him?!" He exclaims, pointing a finger at me. I curiously raise a brow at him. 

"What 'thing'?" I ask, crossing my arms. He gasps louder than before, his face turning pale. 

"You know...the 'deed'." He says, shyly, rubbing his nape. My face turns red with the mention of that 'thing'. How could he mention that to a girl?! OMOOO, HOW RUDE!

"So you really did 'it' with him!" He exclaims, his face turning red. Omo! This guy doesn't really know the word 'privacy'. We didn't do it! I swear! 

"Pabo...I didn't do it with him! You crazy ba$tard!" I exclaim, slapping his arm, hard. He exhales, clutching his chest. 

"Omo, why are you blushing earlier?" He asks, rubbing his swelling arm. I glare at him. 

"Any girl will blush with that sudden question. When you talk about it, the word 'privacy' comes in. Do you get it?" I say, accusing a finger at him. He raises his hands in mid-air, surrendering himself to me. I just shake my head. Aigoo, guys will be ALWAYS guys. 

"Is that Youngbae's cap?" He gasps, pointing at the cap I was wearing. I get it from my head and place it down, examining it. 

"Yeah, he gave it to me. It's my favorite cap." I mumble, playing with the cap. He takes a deep breath and grabs the cap from me. I try to reach it, but he raises his hand so I can't. He's pouting childishly.  

"Aigoo, you wouldn't learn are you? If you still prioritize these things before others, how can you move on?" He asks, waving a finger in front of my eyes. I pout and give him Youngbae's handkerchief, taking it out from my pocket. He takes it away, hiding it both inside his jacket. I wonder if there's a pocket inside. You know, how he can put the cap and handkerchief inside.  

"That's the prettiest cap I had." I mumble. "And that's the prettiest handkerchief I had."

He looks at me, arching a brow. "Then let's change your prettiest cap and handkerchief."

"How do you rate your caps or handkerchiefs?" He asks, not giving me a chance to react from what he said earlier. I wiggle my lips, thinking how I ranked Youngbae's cap and handkerchief as the prettiest. 

"It's how important the cap to me is. Since Youngbae is my first boyfriend, I rank those as the prettiest." I say, tapping my chin. He nods, turning to the sun. He suddenly grabs my hand, opens my palm and intertwines our hands. I can feel the coldness of his hand to mine. They said when the hand of a person is cold they have the warmest heart. Therefore, Jiyong is very kind. Omo! That's news! 

"Let's go!" He says, excitingly and stands up, making me stand up too. I nail my feet on the ground, causing him to stop. He arches an eyebrow. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, pulling him closer using our hands. He smirks, playfully. 

"Just follow my lead." He says and starts walking, dragging me. I let him drag me and he tightens his hold of my hand, sending butterflies in my tummy. 

"Does calling you 'whatever' fine with you?" He suddenly asks and I run up to his side. I sway our hands playfully and smile widely. 

"I'm fine with it but it doesn't sound like a name." I bluntly say and stop swaying our hands. He grumbles and sways our hands. 

"Then how about...Dalong?" He asks and looks at me. I hum, thinking if it suits me. Dalong. Sounds cute and cooooool. 

"Okay." I say. "It sounds decent enough."

"We're here." He says and I gaze ahead of us. I see a white sports car in front of me, the sun's rays made it brilliant so I had to narrow my eyesight when looking at it. It can make you blind with the way it shines.

"What's with the car?" I ask, pointing at it. He chuckles and drags me to the shotgun seat, opening the door for me. 

"Get in." He orders and I bite my lower lip. I look at our intertwined hands, making me blush a little and then back to him. He looks at it then rubs his nape, shyly.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, removing his hold of my hand. "You can get in now."

I get in his car, almost bumping to the roof of the car. He chuckles at my action and closes the door. His car is very neat and smells great! Every guy's car is neat so this is not the first time I saw one. I wonder if his room is as untidy as a guy's room. I mean, guy's are very untidy when it comes to their room, but when it comes to their car, it's the complete opposite. I wonder why. 

He opens the door of the driver's seat and gets in. He smiles at me upon entering and I return it.  

"I...want to compliment your car." I say, placing my hands below my butt. He gets his bag from the passenger seat, saying, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Omo, it's very neat and it smells good. It smells better than my perfume." I blurt and when I realized what I just said, I cover my mouth quickly. Aigoo, Dara what did you just said? That's embarrassing! You didn't even compliment Bae's car before! GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

How stupid can you get! I scowl at myself. You're so stupid.

He chuckles while rummaging to his bag. "Uh-huh. Thanks for the compliment though I get that a lot." 

"Really?" I ask, amazed. He takes a glance at me before continuing in rummaging, smiling widely. 

"Yes, especially my gang." He says. I sigh, looking at him from afar. What is he looking for? What's in his bag anyway? 

"Ah, here it is!" He exclaims, his face lighting up. I raise a brow, somehow thrilled what is 'this'. He gets it from his bag and shows it to me. My forehead creases, unable to pick up what is that 'thing'. 

"What's that?" I ask, pointing at it. He dusts it, very proudly. 

"This is your new favorite cap." He says, proudly and spins the cap on his hand. I raise a brow, bewildered. How can I rate the cap as the prettiest when I don't have a relationship with him? I mean, we're not even friends! 

"Omo, we're not even related! How can I rate that cap?" I say as he moves his body nearer to mine. I didn't move back, but instead wait for him to get closer. 

Great, my heart is racing. I thought. Just. Great. Kwon. Jiyong.

"I know." He says, placing the cap on my head and then twirl some of my hair, placing it on front. "This cap is my favorite one."

"Omo, you should not give this to me. This is very important to you." I say and was about to take the cap off when he hold both of my hands, stopping me. He smiles at me, sweetly.

"If sacrificing my happiness just to ensure yours. I guess it's a small price to pay." He says and moves back. He fishes something from his pocket and gave it to me. I accept his handkerchief, bewildered. 

"That's my favorite handkerchief. I got the both of that when I had my first salary." He says, closing my palm. I look at my palm, checking the handkerchief out. Its design is Sesame Street and the character is Big Bird, so it's color yellow. I place the handkerchief against my nose, sniffing Jiyong's perfume. Omo, I can't believe idols have perfumes that are out of the world. It's as if signature perfumes just made for them. I want to! I'll call it, Ssantokki. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Omo, I'm being crazy again.

"Ano...Jiyong-ah you shouldn't gave me these things. They're too pretty." I say, gazing at the handkerchief amazedly. I'm too happy with these things, how important they are to him, but still, he gave it to me just to make me happy. I now know, Kwon Jiyong is a nice guy. He chuckles and I can see in my peripheral view that he's inserting the key to the hole, starting the car. 

"Dalong, you should not call me Jiyong-ah." He says, shifting the steering wheel. I look up to see him, holding the handkerchief tightly. 

"What should I call you then?" I ask, blinking twice. The car starts to move while he holds his chin, thinking of the name what I should call him. 

"Jiyong Oppa." He says, smiling widely. I pout and pinch his arm.

"Ah!" He shouts, rubbing his arm and then looks at me. "What was that for?" 

"Aigoo, I'm older than you then you want me to call you Jiyong Oppa? Are you crazy?" I ask, raising my voice. He parks the car aside and pinches my nose, his face showing the pain I was feeling with his pinching. 

"It's because your face is much younger than your age. The first time I saw you, I thought you were 20." He says, finally releasing my nose. I quickly massage my nose. Aigoo, it hurts so much. If I were his girlfriend, I'll die. He pinches girl's nose so much, he can take it off your face. 

"Fine. Jiyong O-Oppa." I say, stammering at his name. He chuckles and ruffles my hair as if I was a kid. He starts the car again, moving it back to the road. I pout, realizing how retarded and crazy this person is. I didn't know celebrities are crazy out of the camera. They are like a complete different person in camera. 

"What's with you and your lustful desires?" I ask, crossing my arms. He chuckles, tapping his hands on the steering wheel.

"I don't know." He says, smiling. "Oh, I almost forgot. I called this morning and Bom Noona answered."

"Uh-huh. Why did you called?" I ask, placing the handkerchief inside my pocket. Somehow, I have the urge to save his perfume on his handkerchief. It's like a drug that I don't want to stop smelling it. It's too great that I don't want to stop. 

"I just wanted you to know that you passed the audition." says Jiyong. 

"Really? Woah, thanks. Bom will be very happy." I say, smiling at him. He takes a glimpse of me, curiously raising a brow. 

"Why aren't you happy with it?" 

"Oh, Bom forced me to do it because the one will be chosen will be the last member of the pending girl group she is in. I really liked performing, but being famous is not in my mind." I say, looking down to my legs. I play with my hands, intertwining it with each other. 

"The way you perform, it's amazing. Is it your forte?" He asks. 

"It's my forte. Since we're little, Bom and I perform in front of many people." I say, smiling as I remember those days. Bom was super cute by then, singing in every Korean song they will request. I wish we could perform together again. It has been a while. Therefore, accepting me in this audition somehow helped me to perform again with him. 

"Uh-huh. We're here." He exclaims, parking the car in front of a huge building and then steps out of the car, not forgetting to turn the car off first. I didn't step out, but instead look at it from the window. 

"YGE Building." I mumble under my breath. I remember this as our playhouse, date venue and everything. It reminded me of everything...again. 

"You shouldn't think about those!" I shout at myself, slapping my cheeks. Youngbae is now a piece of my past, remember that carefully. Jiyong Oppa-yes, I have decided to call him that- I promised him that I would move on. He'll help me out and I trust him even if we don't know each other that much. 

"Let's go, Dalong." I hear Jiyong Oppa's voice beside me and I turn to my side, which is obviously the door. He's opening it, curiously looking at me. 

"Are you sure?" I ask, fidgeting in my seat. I hear him sigh and he holds both of my shoulders, massaging it both gently. 

"It's okay. I'm here now aren't I?" He says, smiling, assuring me to trust him. He takes his hand off my shoulders and outstretches it to me, like a gentleman he is. 

"O-Okay. I t-trust you, Jiyong Oppa." I say, stuttering. He gives me an assuring smile and I accept his hand, carefully stepping out of his car. He closes the door behind me as I stare at huge building in front of me, cowardly.

Author: Here’s the update guy! Aigooo. Please watch this video guys and you’ll be giddy. I think I should start updating more than ever. I think this chapter is too short, but then it is the longest of all the updates. I should make a 5,000 words one, I think. TT.TT

As for my subscribers who comments, don't worry, I'll reply this time. I'll just post my reply on your wall. Let's make friends! ^_______^.

Uh, just one more question. Do you think I'll start updating with a 5,000 words Chapter?

Daragon Investigation Video: ---------------------> On The Right Side.

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