Road Trip

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Now I sadly have to tell Walsh that I'm leaving to save my parents who are Price Charming and Snow White. "Sorry my place is just kind of a mess right now." I say as I open the door to the balcony of the building. "Emma, It's okay to make a bold romantic gesture without passing it off as a housekeeping malfunction." He is one of a kind always making me laugh. I hate to do this to him. "Walsh, I...I can't marry you."

"Too soon huh?" "It's not that. I-I need to go hime and take care of somethings." "Home? You said you were an orphan. That's how you and (y/n) met. You said this was your home." "That wasn't a lie. There's a part of my life that I've been blocking out, and I think it would be impossible for you to understand."

"Come on how do you know that? What changed over night?" "someone from my past showed up." "Henry's father, another Ex?" "It's nothing like that. H-he's more like a ghost." "That's how I'm supposed to sleep at night? Your trading me in for a ghost?

"It kills me to have to make this choice at all. To leave us behind--my whole whole life." "Emma if you love this life then keep it. Stay. Just stay." "I-I can't. I wish you could see this the way I could see it."

"And I wish you hadn't drank that potion." "What?" He walks over to the chair and slides it back in rage. "You just couldn't leave well enough alone." "What are you talking about?" "It's too bad. I actually kinda liked you." "Who are you?" He growls and his eyes flash red as he runs towards me. I duck and he falls over the edge of the building. I look over to see a animal with wings.

"Really?" I ask myself seeing if this was real. I run over to get a medal pipe that was laying on the ground at hit the creature over watching it fall and turn into dust. "Swan! What was the blaze was that?" Hook opens the door and walks over to me looking over the edge. "A reminder that I was never safe, that what I wanted what I thought I could have was not in the cards for the savior. We leave in the morning." I turn and walk down to my apartment to get rest.

(y/n) POV:

"How'd it go? Last night?" I whisper to Emma as I help her make breakfast. "Well turns out he was part of the new curse all along." "Well who ever did it sure did pick good bate. He was cute." "Not when he grew wings and sharp teeth." "Yeah that's not very attractive." I say putting Felix's food in front of him.

"Tasty, but I got to run. I'm gonna be late for school. You kinda over slept." Henry says getting up and walking over to his book bag. "Nope no school today. How about we go on a trip? All 4 of us." "Like a vacation?" "Like I have a new case and it's in Maine, and it might take me awhile, and I think we should all go. It would be an adventure."

"No school? A trip with you, (y/n), and Felix? Sold." "Good cause I already packed." Emma says proudly. "When do we leave?" He asks. "Now." Right as she finishes a there is a knock on the door. "Are you expecting someone?" Henry asks. "Yeah." Emma replies and walks to the door letting Hook in.

A Hook strides though "Henry this is Killian. He's--I'm, Um, I'm helping him with his case." "Did you skip bail?" Henry asks. "Oh well he's still a little spitfires." He says looking at Emma.

"Still?" Henry questions. "He's not a perp. He's a client." I say. "Why are you dressed like that?" Henry asks Killian. "Why you dressed like that?" He fires back. "Alright Killian. Just make yourself useful and get our bags, Henry lend him a hand." Emma orders walking to her room. "Wait we're really going?" "We wouldn't do this all for a joke." I say to him putting on Felix's jacket and walking down to the car.

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