That Damn Witch

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Peter Pan POV:

Hook quickly picks up (y/n) and runs to the hospital. "What are they going to do to her? She'll be okay right?" "She'll be fine. They know what they're doing." David says blocking me from walking any further. "Why can't I go back? She's my girlfriend!" "They need to work. Just sit here. They'll call us back soon. Just calm down." I take deep breaths and sit down with my son.

It's taken hours or at least that's what it felt like. I was never good with time anyway. "Do you want us to take Felix home? She'll need to stay over night, and I expect you'd want to be here with her." I look down at Felix in my arms and smile at him. "Yes. Thank you Mary Margret." She nods her head and grasps Felix lightly.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Emma. "We can go back now." I quickly stand up and rush to the door. "The had to stitch up some cuts on her back from the glass, and she broke her collar bone, but other then that she should be fine." "You call that fine? This is all because of that witch." "Hey calm down. We're gonna stop her. She's not gonna lay a single finger on her or Felix." Emma states and opens the door.

I walk in and walk closer to my lost girl. I sit in the chair next to the bed and grasp her hand. She stirs a little and opens her eyes looking at me. "Hey there soldier." I say smiling at her. She shakes her head smirking a little. She try's to sit up, but moans in pain as she attempted. "Stop. Stop. Don't move." She slumps back in failure. "You broke your collarbone, and you have some stitches in your back." "Where's Felix?" She asks worry in her voice. "Did she take him? Peter did she take him?" "No baby. Of course not. Mary Margret has him he's safe." She nods and visibility relaxes.

"What happened out there?" I ask confused as hell. "I-I don't know. I just lost control. I fell into a hole and I couldn't get out. I just saw red, and in that moment I just wanted to kill her." She lets a lose tear slide down her cheek. "Shh love it's alright. Don't cry." "Peter you don't understand how it felt. I didn't care about anything when it happened. What if it happens again and I hurt someone? Oh god what if I hurt you, or even Felix?" I sigh and run my hand over her cheek. "You wouldn't. We just need to get whatever it is under control. You brought yourself back to life. There's bound to be more to your powers then we both know. We'll figure it out lost girl I swear." I kiss her forehead and watch my favorite person fall into deep sleep.

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