Please Tell Me It Isn't True

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Yuri's P.O.V

I open my eyes and notice that I'm in a bed. What? I sit up to the feeling of something pounding in my head. Oh man what a headache. I look around the room to see that I'm in my bed chambers. Thank god that was a dream, I actually felt like I had lost Wolfram for real.

But wait, something doesn't feel right. Why am I in bed at this time of the day. We were supposed to have our family picnic hours ago.

I swing my legs off the side of the bed and walk to the door. When I reach the handle I suddenly feel something sharp in my chest. As if something is being ripped apart behind my ribcage. Clutching the material over my chest, I practise my breathing, in order to get it balanced and equalised.

After a few seconds, the pain stops and I walk out of my bed chambers. When I walk out and close the door behind me, that's when I realise how empty it is in the hallways. I dont remember them being this quiet during this time of the day, normally it's quite busy.

Where would Wolfram be around this time. Due to the light outside, he's most probably in Gwendal's office. But wait he could be training his soldiers. I cup my chin, going into 'brainstorm mode'.

Then it hits me. I chuckle to myself as I slapped my head. "What an idiot, how can you forget that your fiancé was given time off from his duties to spend some quality time with his family?" I thought to myself whilst making my way to Gwendal's office.

I reach his office when an awful feeling washes over to me. Why do I feel like something bad has happened? I look from left to right and again, I see no one. "Where the hell is everyone?".

Shaking off the negative feeling, I knock on the door waiting for an answer. After a moment I hear Gwendal call for me to come in "enter". I have to admit that I'm a little nervous to the sound of his voice. I don't think it's ever sounded more dangerous before.

Eh, maybe it's just my inner wimpyness that's getting the best of me. I shrug and open the door.

After closing the door behind me I turn to face my future brother in - law "hey Gwendal I-". My words stop when I see Conrad sitting on one of the chairs at the meeting table in the centre of Gwendal's office. I wave to him "Oh hey Conrad. Sorry I didn't see you there" I say apologetically as I scratch the back of my head.

Conrad didn't even look at me. Is he okay? I also see that Gwendal isn't sitting at his desk. He's standing at the window, whilst looking out of it with his arms crossed. I divert my gaze back to Conrad who looks quite depressed.

I walk over to him "Conrad are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask. Okay, now I'm concerned. Why is he acting like this? Normally he's happy to see me. I see him clenching his fists on the wooden surface of the meeting table.

"Your majesty, you don't know?" I hear Conrad whisper. His voice is rough. Has he been...crying?

I'm confused. Wait, what don't I know? "Don't know what Conrad?" I ask with worry evident in my own voice.

Conrad stands from his seat and turns to me. His eyes, they're all red. He has been crying. He looks at me dead in the eyes and inhales a shaky breath "Yuri, please tell me that you remember what happened".

Thinking hard, I cup my chin before answering him "well to be honest, I don't remember anything happening before I woke up in my bed. I had a terrible nightmare which I'm glad I woke up from, but beside from that, no I don't". I explain quite calmly, just in case that's anger I'm seeing in his eyes instead of sadness.

Conrad turns his head to Gwendal, who is still standing by the window then turns back to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and leans down to become eye level with me. I can't help but gulp. "Yuri, what happened in your nightmare?" He asks with piercing eyes.

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