Gaining Strength

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A loud gasp escaped both of the Great One and Ulrike. They whipped their heads in the direction of the fountain above them.

Ulrike's eyes wavered as she stared intensely at the glass above. "Your majesty... this can't be... it's too late." She whispered under her breath, but loud enough for the Great One to hear it.

The Great One quickly shook his head. "No, Wolfram gained her defences. I spoke to her as they became one with her being." He looked to the fountain behind him. "But this doppelganger... she's too strong. Wolfram is unconscious, due to the hold of power that the doppelganger has on her." His fists clenched tightly by his sides. "This can't be happening."

Ulrike's hands began to shake as she released another gasp, but this time more horrific. "His majesty..."

The Great One's eyes widened, also feeling the same wave of fear and despair from the double black king. "Yuri."

Ulrike fell to her knees as she held her hands to her mouth, holding back any gasps or sharp breaths that wanted to escape. "It's... too late."

"Wait, there's something else." The Great One interjected, cutting the tense atmosphere with a slight relieved tone.

Ulrike suddenly stilled. She looked up to the fountain again. "I can feel it too. It's very strong willed." Ulrike quickly turned to the ghostly king. "Your majesty, do you think its..."

Without turning to her, the Great One looked to the fountain above them with hopeful eyes. "Let's just pray that it is."


The doppelganger of Miyuki threw the fireball at Yuri, her wicked smirk curving into a more sadistic grin as she saw the look of fear in the king's face, plus the ones of his daughter and his friends.

As Yuri watched the fireball grow closer to him, he was blinded by a warm image of his Wolfram. Smiling lovingly to him, making his heart beat faster with happiness. A tear fell from his eye and dropped off of his jaw line.

He closed his eyes, not wanting the flame being the last image in his mind. He wanted Wolfram's smiling face to be the last thing he saw before he died, and then he would be reunited with the love of his life forever.

Just as he relaxed and readied himself for the impact of the burning flame, he heard the ball of flame crash into something else. Gasps were heard behind him, and so he grew curious to what caused the fireball to stop.

When the young king opened his eyes to see what it was that was there, his eyes widened to seeing a person. But not just any person. "M-Miyuki?" He gasped, his tone filled with surprise.

When the smoke cleared and the fire was dealt with, the air was once again left with clear sight. Miyuki was revealed to be standing in front of Yuri, protecting him from the blast. Her breathing shallow, and her skin burning into cinders, but the only goal on her mind was to protect her fiancé.

The doppelganger, seeing Miyuki standing protectively before the double black king, gaped to the sight with utter disbelief. She almost seemed afraid, as she took a step back. "How did you-"

"How did I what?" Miyuki finished off, a cold glare targeted to the doppelganger. "How did I pass by your holding barrier that you locked me in a moment ago? How did I block your attack on His Majesty without being obliterated?" She smirked wickedly. "Let's just say that it was pretty easy. After all, you were the one that made it possible."

The doppelganger paled with hard realisation. "That's not possible." She breathed, her emerald eyes wavering for the first time.

Miyuki looked to her and held back the urge to laugh, due to seeing the fear in her eyes. "It's possible when you have a strong sense of will and control. You see, when you knocked me unconscious, you gave me immunity against your power. And so you won't be able to hurt me like you did before. But I am only human, so I don't contain any magic, but I can block your magic fireballs without a painful twinge."

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