Mother's Intuition

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Hello everyone! Like I said at the end of the last chapter, the rest of this story will be written in 'Normal P.O.V'. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to let me know what you think.


After surviving the attack from the possessors, Miyuki felt both relieved and nervous. Relieved, because she didn't have to put up with the claw marks; the lures; the reality nightmares and the pain that they had caused anymore. But she was nervous because she had to face everyone again, whilst they thought that she was being attacked in her sleep, she was now fully cured. She just wished that Murata had managed to have his way with words to explain to everyone that she was okay.

She had awoken from a long slumber and she felt healed, healthy and energised. Nothing like the day earlier, where she felt as though her limbs were about to fall off of her joints and her blood was on fire. After the purification from the possessors, she felt perfectly fine.

The one pain that didn't heal inside of her, was the fact of her having to be apart from her fiancé and daughter. When she had spent some of the day with Yuri and Greta, she finally felt at home. She was able to relax, and not have to worry about the possessors trying to take over her body when she was at her weakest.

But that happiness soon died when they found her in the hallway. They threatened her. Threatened to harm her fiancé and loving daughter in order to get what they wanted. Of course Miyuki would choose Yuri and Greta's lives over her own. There was no questioning or doubt in her mind about it. And so she obeyed the possessors' orders. But thankfully Murata was there in the nick of time, to save her from them before it was too late.

Yuri and Greta had turned around when they noticed that Miyuki wasn't following them. Yuri became concerned when she just suddenly disappeared, and his concern drove him to look for her. He had told Greta to go and play in the garden whilst he looked for the person known to them as 'Lady Miyuki'. Unaware that it was actually Wolfram Von Bielefelt. Well that was unknown to everyone apart from Yuri.

As soon as Yuri set his eyes on the supposed 'Lady Miyuki', he recognised her straight away as Wolfram. Of course he thought it to be impossible, because his fiancé was gone. He was buried in the Bielefelt lands. So there was no way she could be his long lost soul mate.

Although everyone didn't seem to act surprised when they first met her, Yuri still couldn't shake that recognition off. He was sure that Lady Miyuki looked similar-no not similar, exactly the same as his dear, beloved Wolfram. But he thought that he was going insane when everyone around him didn't seem to even budge to who she looked like.

Yuri couldn't help but ask himself: was he going insane? Was he just seeing things? Was the reason he was seeing Wolfram when he looked at Lady Miyuki, because he missed his fiancé so much? No it couldn't be. And that's what annoyed him even more. To know that his mind couldn't even fathom up one answer for any question.

The double black demon king had also noticed how much Greta had warmed up to Lady Miyuki. She actually smiled when she was around her. It made him happy to see his daughter happy as it had been a long time since she truly smiled. Yuri did wonder if Greta recognised Lady Miyuki as Wolfram, but he didn't want to ask as it would hurt him too much if she said 'no'.

What also grew him to believing that Lady Miyuki was Wolfram, was the feeling he got when he was around her. His heart would skip beats. His skin would grow with comforting goosebumps. He felt like he belonged to be near her. And these were only things that he felt when he was around his late fiancé. He just wished that he wasn't the only one to see her as Wolfram.

Yuri did finally find where she was. He asked the maids if they had seen where Lady Miyuki had gone and they didn't know. He actually found out by Murata that she was sleeping due to lack of sleep the night prior. That only seemed to grow the king concern to know that she still wasn't sleeping well. But when Murata explained that she was given something to help her sleep, Yuri felt a bit more relaxed. And so he didn't want to bother her as she did need the extra sleep.

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