The Bielefelt Squadron

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The Bielefelt Squadron were very beautiful soldiers. You could say that they were fit to work with Wolfram, as he was beautiful like every single one of his soldiers. Except Wolfram was much more beautiful to say in the least.

They were also the youngest group of soldiers that worked with any noble family in the Great Demon Kingdom. And this was due to Wolfram being so young, as older soldiers didn't take Wolfram seriously because of his age and difference in height. So that was why no older soldiers were on his squad.

And to be working alongside her old squadron, caused Miyuki to feel both happy and nervous. She was relieved to know that she would be able to work alongside her soldiers, but her nervousness kicked in when she realised that she couldn't be in the place of being their captain. That was her second in command, Kellton Keely.

She had to admit that Kellton was holding the role of squad captain pretty well, considering that he was probably given the opportunity just after she died.

But she could tell that it pained him to be called captain, due to his loyalty to his original captain. All of Wolfram's soldiers were loyal to her, and that was something everyone, including Yuri, had noticed.


The little princess awoke to her sleeping father next to her. The king's gentle snores made her giggle. She watched him for a while, not knowing whether or not to wake him, due to him looking so peaceful.

But that was soon dealt with when her uncle, Conrad, knocked on the door and stepped in. He smiled warmly to Greta and stepped towards his Godson, in order to wake him for their morning jog.

With a gentle shake to the shoulder, the young king stirred and then yawned. His onyx eyes fluttered open softly to the view of his godfather and daughter looking down at him. With the cheerful greetings from the both of them, Yuri got out of bed and then dressed into his jogging outfit.

As it was a little too early in the morning, Yuri told Greta to go back to sleep as she would just be tired during the day. The little maroon haired princess nodded and then flunked back down onto the bed. She was back to sleep within the next second.


Jogging around the castle grounds, they were approaching the courtyard. This brought curiosity to the young king, as he had noticed that they had taken a different route to what they usually did.

As it was still early, Yuri leant closer to his Godfather in order to whisper his thoughts aloud. "Hey, Conrad. Why are we going this way? I thought we usually go around the west side of the castle first."

Conrad didn't look to him as he answered in a whisper also. "Well, you have been having doubts about Lady Miyuki's strength and abilities. Haven't you?"

Yuri sighed. "Not about her abilities. It's just that I'm unsure of her strength, because she healed remarkably fast after the attack of the doppelganger."

Conrad stopped jogging, causing Yuri to stop. The brunette soldier turned to his Godson. "I brought you this way so you could be reassured."

Yuri looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Conrad smiled warmly to him. He gestured around the corner of the castle. The corner in which showed a clear view of the training grounds.

Still filled with confusion, Yuri walked towards the edge to see the courtyard. When he stopped to stand there, he noticed that someone was there. This person was dressed in white, with lavender straps going down the sides of their clothing.

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