A Second Chance

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Wolfram's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see that I'm surrounded by mist. Where am I? This is strange, the last thing I remember is being in Yuri's arms to see him crying. Didn't I get...oh I can't even think straight. Wait...If I'm here and not where I'm supposed to be, then does that mean I'm in-

"Yes that's right" a voice cuts me off from my thoughts.

I turn to the source of the voice to see a dark figure. I can't make out if it's facing me or not. The figure then starts to walk towards me, it's footsteps echoing in the open area that I don't recognise.

As it gets closer I see colours of its clothing which I recognise from somewhere, where have I seen them before? As the figure stops to stand in front of me, I recognise who it is almost immediately. The features, alot like mine but just of different shades.

Blonde, wavy hair shaping it's face. Piercing ocean blue eyes. "Great...one?" I breath shocked to disbelief that he's with me.

"Hello Wolfram, it's good to see you again" he says with a soft smile curving his lips.

"It's good to see me again?" What is he talking about? Wait...I remember. The memories are all coming back to me now. The village market, the fortune teller, the picnic. The fire, the scream of a child, and the arrows.

Realisation hits me like a slap to the face. I instantly look down and cover the areas of where the arrows are, only to find that there isn't any arrows. There isn't any blood either. Was that a dream? No, wait it can't be.

If I'm here with the great one, and I'm surrounded by mist, then that means that I'm...

I look up to the great one. I breath in air that I don't have before asking "am I...dead?"

The great one's smile turns into a saddened frown. "I am so sorry Wolfram".

He doesn't have to say anything else. With those words, I can tell that my fear has proven it's self. Then a thought occurs to me as I look the great one dead in the eyes "is Yuri okay? Did anyone get hurt?" I ask quickly, concern filling my tone.

His soft smile returns but this time it's more reassuring. He places a hand on his hip "don't worry, you were the only one that got hurt" his frown again pulls away his smile "but I don't think it's right that for everyone's safety, your life had to be taken away" he states quite irritated.

I smile and look down, happy to know that no one else was hurt. "I'm just glad that it was me who got hurt and no one else. I can rest peacefully knowing that everyone I love is safe" I say with relief. I turn my head to look at where I am, which seems to be in the middle of nowhere. Without turning to the great one I ask "what is this place exactly?"

I turn to the great one, as he gestures to the space around us "this is the misty plane. This is where the souls that don't belong go".

I look into his eyes as dread fills me. I guess I'll be moving on sometime soon then.

"Wolfram" he snaps me out of my daze, causing me to turn to him "the path of your destiny hasn't changed. You were supposed to live on".

I stare at him, confused. I'm supposed to live on? Is he saying that I wasn't supposed to die when I did?

I think he can sense my confusion as he starts to explain "what I am saying is that your destiny needs to fulfilled. You weren't supposed to die the way you did".

"I...wasn't?" I whisper to myself, looking to the ground. I can feel tears filling my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

"Don't get to comfortable in the afterlife". I look up to him. "You don't belong here so..." he holds out his hand so that the palm of it is facing upwards. I look at his hand then back to him with confusion "let me escort you out of here my beloved descendant".

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