Chapter 9- Exposed

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Kinda forgot for a second what this story is about, but I'm about to fix that... anyways I'm officially in high school now. I must say it's better than middle school. If your super bored right now and like anime you should watch Saiki K or Psycho Mob 100. That's about it. Enjoy, PLEASE vote! It lets more people see my story!

"So... what's up after school?" Izuku asked as he and Katsuki were walking through the hallway back to class after Izuku's little incident in the cafeteria.

Katsuki eyed Izuku next to him. "You wanna hang out or somethin'?" Katsuki asked but before Izuku could answer they were interrupted by a teacher passing through the hallways. It wasn't one they recognized, probably a 2nd or 3rd year teacher.

"What are you kids doing loitering through the hallways? Where's your hall pass?" The female teacher asked sternly, stopping the others path and pushing up her glasses.

Todoroki and Kirishima were starting to close in on them from behind. "what's up guys?" Kirishima asked as he looked between the other two boys who were frozen on something else.

"Oh, uh, we don't have a pass. We forgot to take one from recovery girl-" Izuku branded out his bandaged hands. "My hands got burned and Bakugo was just walking me there and back." Katsuki tried not to giggle at the awkwardness of his last name.

"Uh, Midoriya?" Kirishima asked, still very confused. Something very weird was going on.

"Yeah, sorry teach. As for these two-" Bakugo pointed a thumb to Kirishima and Todoroki behind him. "They were coming with for their quirks to help with the situation. You can ask Aizawa yourself if you'd like."

"Bakubro!? You too? Who are you guys talking to?" "Are you all right Midoriya?" Todoroki joined in, also confused." they couldn't see anyone in front of Bakugo and Midoriya.

The other two snapped around in surprise to look at their friends. "What do you mean?" Izuku asked. He and Bakugo turned their heads back a little to the teacher but were even more surprised to see the teacher they were just talking to gone. Izuku fully turned his body to the empty space once more. "What the-"

Katsuki grabbed his wrist and immediately started bolting down the empty hallway in front of them. "It's the quirk!" Katsuki said in a panicked tone that was out of breath in their run. "The fuckin teacher has a knife is actively chasing us." Bakugo managed to say.

"w-what!?" Izuku stuttered and tilted his head to see the teacher who was once wearing a clean white button up was now crimson red from head to toe and she wore a manic expression that screamed instability, also as Bakugo said, she had a knife in hand and was running as fast as light.

"Shit!" Izuku exclaimed and tugged out of Katsuki's grip. He slung his arm around Katsuki's upper back and flew him into his arms, all while running. Izuku activated one for all and effectively made them go much faster. "it's better this way." Izuku said roughly through the fast-coming air.

Katsuki wanted to put up a fight but accepted his fate as a bottom. "s-so if she's just part of the quirk do you think she can affect us? Like hurt us?" Izuku asked without looking down at Katsuki in his arms. "I don't know but regardless I don't want to find out... Hey dumbass you passed our hallway!" "Shit, Sorry!" Izuku said while doubling back.

The delusion was in their wake. "Oh my god, get out of my way!" Izuku groaned while using float and jumping up into a flip over it and then running again. "Wow that was cool Deku." "Yeah thanks." Izuku said warmly as they approached the door to classroom 1A, and Izuku gently let Katsuki onto his feet. He rapidly knocked on the door while checking the delusion that started to approach them.

"Open- open- open!" Izuku mumbled nervously while looking to and from the crimson red figures steps. Katsuki acted as a human shield, glaring the delusion down with his arms stretched out. Todoroki and Kirishima finally came running down the hallway out of breath. "Oh good!" Kirishima said through pants. Finally, the door opened and Aizawa was exposed to the situation before him. The rest of the class was trying to peer around him from in their seats.

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