Chapter 10- Sacrifice

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{"no. That's not it, I like being your friend-" "what the hell are you talking about. If you like being my friend-" "stop interrupting me. I'll fucking explain it if you let me talk." Shoto accidently snapped which made Kiri jolt with surprise and gape at him. "What."

"I want you to be my boyfriend."} end recap

Shoto POV

I tried not to move but my whole body wanted to fidget, to make things less awkward. But I wanted to seem committed. I wanted to seem assertive, after all this is something... I really want. I hadn't expected it from myself, to confess, and I'm sure he hadn't expected it either. Kiri probably isn't gay. Even if he is, why should he like me? I'm so boring, so dull, I'd be a bleak cloud that drowns his sunshine.

All of this started to slowly wash over me as he stared, unmoving from the gape he wore. Ive never felt so insecure before. It felt like my whole life would be determined by this person before me.

"Kiri, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable..."

I guess I was expecting that to be the icebreaker, but it wasn't. Kiri still stood, now he wore a serious expression, but his eyes were clouded with tears. Was I seriously breaking his heart? How? Maybe he only wanted to be friends, and he's completely enraged that I ruined our relationship. It was very selfish of me.

"I-I" he broke, and it hurt a little to hear it. "I'll think about it..." he cracked and slowly turned to the door, walking out and leaving me alone.

Sure, I needed to go train, but that didn't matter to me right now. 'think about it'? That made me sick. What did he mean? Usually when a parent, or really anyone says 'I'll think about it' it's a no. Did he mean he'd never considered the idea before and he needed time to do so, in that case is it really an option to him now? Is he really going to think about it or just use the time to talk over ways with his friends on how to shut me down. I could understand if he did that. He had every right to.

About an hour flew by of me imagining every way this could go. I only realized because a bird flew into the window and startled me out of my stupor, so I looked at the clock. I figured; it would be alright if I went to train now. I'd make Aizawa understand somehow.

Upon approaching the training grounds, I realized how anxious I was to see Kiri. It would be embarrassing, seeing him so soon. But I need to act like I don't care; act like I always do.

Izuku POV

Of course, I chose my sparring partner to be Kacchan. We were sparing close to the front of the training grounds, so I happened to see Kirishima walk in, apparently upset, or rather, flustered. He was bright red and nervous about something, but that's about all I got because I had to keep my eyes on Kacchan as to not get exploded in the face.

An hour and a half had passed since the class started training, and almost everyone was on break or done training, watching the strong souls who kept on fighting from the benches. The souls being me and Kacchan. We were both fatigued; much slower than when we started but determined to push through.

Out of the corner of my eye I see two people enter the arena again to train, I guess they were done with break. I caught Kacchan's right hook that is way too predictable and threw it away from me, giving me just a second more to spare a glance at the other partners. Kirishima and Todoroki. I guess Todoroki finally came back from the classroom. I also noticed that now, Todoroki had a vibe of fear, or more like worry about him, and Kirishima was the same, but he wore a stern expression.

There was obviously something going on with the two, so I figured Kacchan and I should give them the floor, we were just about done anyways. "Kacchan, come on, break." I panted and wiped my forehead, and he stopped mid dodge, almost falling on his face and nodded, walking off with me to the benches where the rest of class was watching from.

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