Chapter 12- class 1A vs us

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Izuku POV

Kacchan, Todoroki and I were all the way on the far left of the field, staring out into the distance. We could hardly see our classmates; they were so far away. To us, they were like colorful specks of dust, standing their ground against the breeze. Before we had walked off, most of them looked terrified. I was too.

The three of us looked to Aizawa for the signal. He was looking back and forth between the two sides, catching all of our attention. When he deemed us ready, I watched as Mr. Aizawa swung his hand straight into the air.

OPG raced forward against the clock, an hour and a half to beat 17 superpowered teenagers.

From the other side of the field, as I used OFA to boost my speed and was almost to the middle of the field, I could hear battle cries. Cries that made 17 people seem like a lot more.

The three of us tied in our race to the middle of the field, and we stopped dead, waiting for the other team to advance the yards. "We've got this Deku, you're the strongest I know." Kacchan reassured next to me. I wish he'd told me that beforehand so I could have more time to process his sweet sentiment.

"That's funny, I could say the same about you." I spoke. Just a few more yards. I got into ready position and broke the distance.

Lurching forward, I happened to aim my first attack at Tsu.

I kicked her to the gut (with OFA, obviously, but I'm not gonna keep typing that because it's implied.) which sent Her flying back. She seemed fine, like she could fight more, but I already had another encounter on my back immediately.

Iida powered up his leg engines and went for a kick to my back, but I slipped under and swept him down by the back of his knees. He also seemed capable of more fighting, but I planned to fight multiple people at a time, withering each down with a single attack that sent them back and allowed me time for the next person.

Tsu came back at that point from above, so I Jumped with mass strength and met her halfway, and that sent her flying once more.

Kirishima met me on my return to the ground. Thank goodness, I can't have him fighting anyone else. I sent multiple basic attacks his way which he used hardening to block. It would be easy to wither him down since he can't use hardening for extensive periods of time, but I don't have that kind of time to spend on him.

I could also use Fa Jin, but I don't have time to power that up either.

I used Black whip and sent Kirishima far away. My area was cleared for a good 7 or so seconds, so I powered up Fa Jin and accompanied Kirishima in the air, and then smacked him into the ground. He was barely conscious. But he wasn't about to lose this fight. He tried to crawl up, but I stepped on his back and kept him down with ease. People were starting to come my way, so I had to finish this up quickly. I picked up the weak Kirishima who fought diligently and punted him like a football. I felt bad, but as I did so I also noticed Aizawa Dragging Tsu and other classmates across the field to the out lines.

Interesting, were we winning?

Suddenly, danger sense activated, and I ducked out of the way from an incoming attack of Tokoyami. He would probably be my hardest foe. I used float and then black whip to both decapacitate him and propel myself forward.

He struggled against the restraints, but Dark shadow didn't. It lurked forward to attack me once more but I fwiped around and went for a kick to the gut on Tokoyami. Dark shadow was already significantly small from the sunlight exposure, now he was like a whispering ghost, and all I had to do was take out Tokoyami.

I picked up one of his legs and sent him back to the ground 2 times and then tossed him aside.

I'm sure our classmates would do a lot better against real villains, but the stakes aren't high when you're fighting your classmates and sentimental values are on the line. I feel the same, in a way. Also, I have 7 quirks so...

Surprisingly, Iida came back full circle, and I wasn't quick enough to see it coming. He tackled me to the ground. Then, he tried to punch me, and while he did that, I tried to use my legs that were pinned underneath his to kick him off, but his body armor was so heavy I just couldn't. So, Iida landed the punch. And another. And another. I guess I'm starting to see how harsh I was on our other classmates earlier. Seriously, punting Kirishima like a football? And I should have realized Iida doesn't play games here. He kept the punches coming, relentlessly, like a villain.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HIM YOU FOUR-EYED CUNT!" a raging voice shouted, gradually getting louder, and then Kacchan was right next to me. He was. Then he wasn't. And Iida wasn't on top of me anymore either. Smoke rained down upon me as I looked to my left and I saw Iida now pinned by Kacchan. He had both of his hands on Iida's chest, and then sent 2 simultaneous explosions right to his palms. Iida was done for.

He looked conscious, definitely, but made the wise decision of not getting up. "I surrender." he said lowly.

Kacchan helped me up from the grassy ground and we started heading to the main area of students again to do more fighting.

Just barely, I heard Kacchan mumble. "Fucking pin my boyfriend again and I'll kill you, twink." I smiled. "Thank you for saving me, Kacchan." I said gleefully. His attention was caught, and he looked at me with a genuine smile. "don't sweat the small stuff, Nerd." he said and ruffled my hair. Cute. I would have totally kissed him right then, but I think we have an audience, one that wants to attack me.

Kacchan and I split up and I went for a certain bright pink disco ball. Ashido didn't see me coming from behind as I Kicked her down. Then I tied her up with black whip but before I could do more she surrendered. "Thankyou Ashido." I said happily and released her. She walked off to the outfield.

My eyes darted around the people in my parameters. There was hardly anyone left. It couldn't have been more than 10 minutes since the fight started! Then I spotted a lonesome flash of red and yellow. Koda. He was probably avoiding confrontation from the beginning, but it had to end eventually.

He was swarmed with a cloud of birds and a few squirls next to him. He must have gathered them from the forest before that battle started. We locked eyes, and he looked positively petrified.

I didn't waste a moment more and rocketed toward Koda. He looked very scared. "Help me my friends!" I heard him whisper-shout. The animals tried to go forward but I created a smokescreen which confused their senses. before I could even touch Kota, he shouted "I surrender don't hurt me!" in a crackly voice.

"It's okay Kota, I won't hurt you." I said softly and stopped my attack I wasn't planning to do in the first place because I knew this would happen.

He sighed and smiled nervously before walking the long distance to the now packed outfield. I looked around me for more people to fight. It seemed Todoroki had just finished up with Hagakure, evident by a random Ice wall and human outline. He was staring at me with the same sense.

We both searched for whatever there was left, and the only person was Kacchan, who had Yaoyorozu utterly defenseless. she called a surrender. As soon as she did, a 'ffwt' sounded- a whistle- we won. The four of us (Yaoyorozu included) journeyed to the outfield where the rest of the class looked battered and bruised, ready to begrudgingly congratulate us. Some were out cold and weren't able to do so.

"WOOO WE WON!" Kacchan cheered. I smiled at him. He picked me up under my arms and twirled me around with him mid-air. I giggled. "Kacchan put me down!" he did. After we did a kind of awkward side hug because the realization of our audience just hit us.

"Okay great you three won. I graded all of you, even the losing team, on your performance in this exercise. I will not count it as an assignment because I know how difficult it is to fight your classmates, but If I find your performance well, you will be receiving extra credit." Aizawa said. The few who were up to it cheered halfheartedly.

I searched around my friends to see the damage. Uraraka was completely passed out. I assumed she fought Kacchan, because she had scorch marks littered across her body.

Everyone was loaded back onto the bus, some carted away in the school's ambulance.

Someone asked Aizawa if he would get in trouble for the number of casualties there was, and he didn't look worried, so I guess that's a no.

(Hey goofy goobers. Again, a short chapter as I said. But no one is reading this fanfiction so I'm not sure that really matters. I originally planned to write the fight from all three of their POV's but then I remembered I hate writing fights, so I didn't do that. 😜 mk byyyee) 

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