Chapter 13- cheater

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Yall, I got another fanfiction and one of the chapters is called cheater, I feel like I'm ripping myself off. 🙁

We had lots of time after the fight to do whatever we wanted since we finished it up so fast. Most of us went to the hospital to visit our friends who hadn't woken up yet. (Uraraka, Mineta, Kirishima, Tsu,) None of the injuries were fatal, thankfully.

Kacchan, Iida, Todoroki, Ashido and I were sitting in Uraraka's hospital room. She was just starting to wake up.

"Uraraka?" I called out to her. Her eyes fully opened. "Deku?" she said and tried to focus them. I got up from my spot in the row of chairs that lined the wall. "I'm here, are you allr-"

Unexpectedly, I didn't get to finish that sentence. Uraraka had grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. She let go almost immediately. Why would she do that? She knows I have a 'girlfriend', and in front of all these people?

"I'm sorry, but what I wanted to tell you earlier Deku... I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry because, I don't care if you have a girlfriend! I will always try to win you over. I'll prove to you have good I can be to you!" Uraraka cried. I stood there in utter shock. What the fuck was happening? I didn't think Uraraka was that type of girl. How would this situation change if she knew it was Kacchan who-wait, Kacchan.

I turned around to look at Kacchan who was still in his seat right next to mine. He looked lost as well. Caught between bursting out laughing or blowing up yelling.

"Thats very inconsiderate of Midoriya's feelings." Todoroki seethed to Uraraka. Iida nodded vigorously. "I agree. You shouldn't have kissed him, and it's very wrong to steal someone else's lover. How would you feel if you were dating Midoriya and someone tried to win him over from you?" Iida added.

Ashido, at first, seemed very excited that her best friend was making the moves but after she heard the other two's statements it seemed to change her mind. She looked just as lost as me. I turned back to Uraraka. She wore a face of guilt and embarrassment.

"I... I'm very sorry, you guys are right. Deku, I understand if you're uncomfortable right now." she sighed. I started to feel bad but at the same time I felt it wasn't enough.

"Uraraka, I'm gonna go and... talk to my 'girlfriend' real quick. Be right back." I said. She quickly looked up and seemed very confused. "w-wait, she's here? Is she in our class oh great now I feel even worse." she mumbled on the last part. I was about to walk out but then remembered.

"Oh, I almost forgot. OPG stands for Over Powered Gays." I said over my shoulder to her which earned a gasp. "Come on girlfriend." I said sarcastically and grabbed Kacchan's hand to drag him into the hallway. As I did, I heard Ashido make a noise that was a mix of gasping, squealing, screaming, and cheering.

Todoroki followed us out of the room but went a different way through the hallway. I think he was going to see Kirishima.

I made Kacchan follow me to the bathrooms that were deserted.

He was grinning manically. "So, are you happy I finally came out." I said while pushing myself up to sit atop the bathroom counter. He stood between my thighs and got so close our noses were touching. "I'm very happy." he said and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"I thought that was fucking hilarious, the way you did it." I smiled. "Thanks. I hope Todoroki's fine though..." "he didn't make any objections before." Kacchan said. I nodded slightly.

Kacchan sighed and stared into the eyes. "How are you feeling? I know that must have been hard to... to watch me." I asked. He breathed a small laugh. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me Deku. I'm more worried about how you feel. You're the one she kissed." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"It was definitely unexpected and very quick. I was worried you were going to kill her." I joked. He smirked. "Nah. I know you love me way more than that floaty bitch you kinky little nerd." Kacchan laughed and kissed me again. This one was long and warm. I could feel the warm exhale from his nose, and my hands ventured down to his waist where all sorts of vibrations were.

"Kacchan." I whispered.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Kirishima POV

My eyes started to open, and I could see light again. Wasn't I just fighting Midoriya?

As I gained consciousness my eyes wandered the room. There were two people next to my bed. Denki and Shoto. I felt my stomach twist in knots, which was very painful, so I groaned.

"What happened." I pained. "Midoriya beat you up. We lost. It's been about 4 hours since then." Denki explained. I nodded. "Thanks Denki." my eyes refocused on Shoto. The most beautiful man there is. Every time I see him lately, I feel even worse. I have no clue why I said what I did back in the classroom. I guess it's just too hard for me to believe someone as perfect as him would like someone as weak as me.

"Hey um, Denks, can you give me a minute alone with him?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah man, I'll go find Mina, I think she was with Bakugo and Midoriya." and Denki left the room.

I turned to sit on the edge of my bed, facing Shoto. "So... what does your team's name mean anyways?" I asked, beating around the bush. God, I'm such a wussy.

"Overpowered gays. It was Bakugo's idea." He said deeply. I stared at the floor and giggled to myself. "Funny... you know, I thought about what you've said." I mumbled and looked up. Shoto was on the edge of his seat, deadpan thrown out the window. It seemed like he needed my answer to live.

"I... I have a big crush on you, and I don't know why I didn't... accept you to begin with. I think you're the most amazing guy I've ever met, and it was hard for me to believe someone as perfect as you... anyways, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked Shoto. It seemed like he would cry; he bit his lip and shook his head- yes.

I got up from the bed and we pulled each other in. After 10 or so seconds Shoto winced so I pulled apart. "Oh, teeth, sorry." I said, basically forgetting I had shark teeth. Shoto shook his head and smiled. "No Kiri it's alright." He said and pulled me back down to him.

(Okay you guys, I was just trying to tie off loose ends this chapter, because I'm getting very bored of writing this. I hope those who did read this fanfic enjoyed it, if you like bkdk like me, I'm actually starting a whole other bkdk fanfic. No spoilers though! You'll have to go and see for yourself. Bye!) 

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