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I run away from Dean, Kat and Gavin immediately and go downstairs as fast as possible. Then I stop and check everything around me.

"Sammy?" I call out for Sam. "Sammy, are you here?" I look around. "Sam?" I say louder. "Sam" I turn around and see him standing there. "Man. Answer me when I'm calling you" I say angrily and kind of scared. "Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah" Sam answers me.

"You know that I didn't call you?".

"Yeah I know. Something chased me down here".

"I think I know who. Dr Ellicott. That's what the spirits wanted to tell us. Did you see him?".

"No. How do you know that it's him?".

"Because I found his journal or diary or whatever it was. Barely he was doing experiments in the patients. Awful stuff. In front of those the lobotomy was nothing".

"But the patients did what you said like an uprising".

"Yeah. Against Dr Ellicott" he stares at me like he can't understand anything. "The psychiatrist was working on a medication for wrath. Anger in other words. He thought that he was making his patients take their anger out and relaxing them. Their wrath. That he was curing them. But that didn't work. They became worse and they were getting angrier and angrier. So in thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing. To the cop, to the kids in 1970. He makes them so angry that they are becoming murderers" he scoffs like he doesn't believe it. "Come in. We have to find his bones and burn them" I walk past him.

"How?" I stop and look at him. "The police never found his body".

"Well the journal is saying that he had a hidden room. A place that he was working on his patients. So if I was a patient, I would drag his ass down here and I would torture him myself".

"I don't know it sounds kind of ... "


"Yeah" I walked down the hall.

"Yeah. Exactly".

I walk a bit more down the hall and see a door. I open and point my gun there. Nothing. I look at Sam and enter the room. Sam follows me. We look around but nothing.

"I told you. I looked everywhere. I didn't find any hidden room" Sam says.

"Well that's why it's called hidden" I hear something like air. "Do you hear that?".

"What?" I kneel down and feel air coming through.

"There's a door here" I hear Sam aiming his gun. He is getting ready I guess.

"Yn" I look at him and look confused. He is pointing the gun at me. Blood streams down his nose but he wipes it away. "Get away from the door" I stand up and keep my stare at him.

"Sam, put the gun down".

"Are you ordering me?".

"Well it's more like a friendly request".

"Because I got tired of you ordering me to do things".

"I knew it. Ellicott did something to you. Right?".

"For once in your life, just shut your mouth" his nose got more and more bloody.

"What are you going to do, Sam? The gun has salt. It won't kill me" he shoots and I fall back over the door which breaks.

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