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While I'm walking towards the place that John told me to meet up, my phone buzzes and I check it. I notice that Peter and the other men and women from the FBI are checking their phones too. Oh. We got paid.

"1,400,807? Holy fuck" I think. "962,999 that I had, plus 242,000 as the boss, plus 74,983 as a special agent and plus 120,825 as a SWAT member since I'm going everywhere" I put my phone back to my pocket and let out a sigh. "So every year I'll be getting 437,808 for just being in the FBI. How much are all the others getting? Peter is definitely getting 74,983 because he is a special agent. Well ... Whoever is in SWAT takes the most. That's fair".

I stop hearing the others following me which means that I'm close. I snap out of my thoughts and look forward. I see John sitting at a bench under a tree. When he sees me, he smiles and mentions me to walk near him. I do so and walk towards him but I stop in front of him. I don't sit down at the bench.

"Winchester. I haven't seen you in ages" he says happily. "Take a seat".

"I'm fine".

"Ah come on. I'm unarmed. You can check me out. Check everywhere" he says with a smirk.

"Asshole" I say under my breath.

"Come on. Take a seat anyway. That was the deal. To discuss" I sigh and sit down a bit away from him. "That's better".

"Why did we have to meet?".

"You want to send me back to jail. Right?".

"You deserve to be there".

"Yeah. Of course I do. It's just that ... You know ... It's not the best place for someone to stay at".

"Well that sounds to me as a you problem. You got yourself in this situation".

"True true" we hear a huge explosion and I look in front.

"What the-" I try to say but I felt a hand on my nose and mouth.

I inhale something but when I start understanding what's going on, I'm already ready to black out. John pushes a cloth on my mouth and nose. Who knows what? Seconds later I black out but before I feel him to drag me somewhere.

Skip time

When I open my eyes, I groan as the light is too much. I try to cover my eyes with my hand but with no success. I look down at my body and see bruises but I mostly place my attention at the rope which is tied around my waist and the chair. I sigh and look around. It's a simple warehouse. Nothing much and big. I can easily escape. Or that's what I think.

"Ah great. What a nice day to get FUCKING KIDNAPPED".

I yell the last two words and then I sigh. The door in front of me opens and I see John entering. He closes the door and sits at the chair in front of me.

"Awesome. And I was thinking, what else do I need today? Oh yeah. To see your face" he softly smirks.

"You have a smart mouth. I give you that" he says.

"That smart mouth can get you killed or sent you back to jail. How did you even manage to kidnap me?".

"You're stupid enough to think that I'll tell you".

"Yeah whatever".

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