Chapter 5 - Day 2 part 1 (18+?)

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A/N: This chapter does have some nudity in it so I just put 18+ for the hell of it. I think most of this story from here on out will be 18+ since I'm going for a more realistic approach and cause anything that is part of gore, violence, nudity, etc. Might as well have 18+ just in case.

Just wanted to leave this here as a warning so... keep reading if you'd like

It wasn't too long till we got to the foot of a forest. Not only that but I start to hear roaring in the distance. I'm guessing it must be the small waterfall deep in the forest. considering the small stream grows more prominent the closer we get. A huge shrub and a few trees are blocking the path ahead of us.

I see Blaidd turn to wait for me. "Watch this." He pulls out his sword and obliterates the trees ahead of him, leaving a beautiful view of the waterfall. 

The clear stream slowly flowed away from us as the crystal clear water let us see the rocks below. I haven't seen anything like this at all. It all looks perfect. 

"C'mon, it's better if we finish quick"  The sun had fully risen from dawn so it was still early in the day. 

Once we head down to the large body of water, one thing is on my mind.

"Is there somewhere I can have a place for privacy? " I look around starting to panic. The last thing I want is to be fully nude in front of someone. I hate showing skin in front of anyone. It just feels, wrong. It's like having the one and the only thing I like to keep to myself, go public. It's not that I'm insecure, I just don't want anyone looking at me. 


Maybe I am insecure, but still. I'd rather be safe if anything. 

"Well if you want some privacy, you have to follow one of the streams, there should be a spot not too far from here with a lot of coverage." He points at the stream to our left, It's a good amount of space that curves behind some bushes.

"Where are you gonna go?" I ask as he starts to take off this chest plate. 

"I'll be by the waterfall, it's deeper by that end." He nudges his head towards the crashing sounds of water. 

"Oh alright, I'll be right back," I say quickly before running off, following the stream to make sure I'm covered in peace. Not only that but if I had stayed any longer, Blaidd wasn't gonna stop undressing in front of me. That wolf is always so bold. 

Once I find a good spot for me to wash myself I rub my hands together. It's been a while since I used an invisibility spell. I mostly used it to hide myself better in case I was stuck in a fight I knew I was gonna lose. It was also good for stealing runes from the wealthy assholes I come across. Not all were mean but the majority are. 

It only took a second before the Bubble formed creating an area that made me disappear. I made sure to carry around some fragrances to help get rid of the grime and stench. If we're gonna be here, might as well get as much done before we depart. A few minutes go by before I wrap a towel around myself, carrying my wet clothes with me. I had time to wash them as well since they were drenched in sweat. Before I turn the corner, I stop myself. If my wet clothes are on my right hand and my towel is being held with my left...

Did I forget my spare clothes? I look around myself, realizing I left them with Torrent. Who is right next to the waterfall having a drink by the shore? There I see Blaidd. 

Dammit Torrent why do you have to be a normal horse. 

He's fully undressed in the water, scrubbing at his Maine. His muscular body getting defined by the water pushing his fur up to his skin. I don't see much, just his defined back from what I saw and... 

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