(Bonus ) late night texting

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You know the drill pretended they have smart phones.
Honestly I just thought this would be a fun chapter to add I might make a whole texting fic if u guys want. The fact that they have phones or another texting chapter might be brought up in this book or the six other books to come. Idk we'll just have to wait and see.

Wow I already have sixty nine words (no joke). Anyway on with the story.


Jade💚 created Slytherin squad

Jade💚 added 8 ppl

Jade💚: wassup gang

Draco Malfoy : ....

Pans: I agree with Draco

Harry : guys it's midnight lemme sleep.


Mattheo (don't call me matt): sis actually go to sleep

Demon 1: Jadelyn is right

Demon 2: The fact it's 1am

Demon 1: is not an excuse

Demon 2: to be asleep

Harry : it is ... it really is

Blaise: omg guys fucking sleep I'm muting this group.

Jade changed the settings to allow only group admins to speak

Theo: you know we're all group admins right? So what was the point of that

Jade 💚: idk

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