It Was Bound to Happen Anytime Soon

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Y/n sighs as she waits in line for the rising idol; Risa Purple. An underground singer rising to fame. And now, many come to her concert. As well as cosplaying as her. Purple hair tied to a low pigtail and with her iconic mole below her right eye.

Y/n was lucky that Haibara allowed her to use the temporary APTX 4869 to join Kaito and Aoko.

"Ahh! I'm so excited!" Aoko squeals, waving her glow stick.

Y/n nods as they finally made it to their spot. Of course, being friends with a famous son's magician has its perks. Kaito was able to save seats in the front row.

"Yeah. And luckily, Kaito here was able to buy us tickets at the front row!" Y/n jabs his chest lightly while the man in question smiles smugly, his chest puffing.

"Of course! Since you'll be gone again after today, I decided to be nice and have the best seats. Courtesy of Kuroba Kaito." He winks teasingly, while Y/n rolls her eyes in amusement.

Aoko pouts, crossing her arms. "I still don't like it you'll be gone again. You just got back and will be gone again?"

'I don't like it, too!' Y/n sweatdropped. She sighs heavily before looking back at the stage.

"You can't help it. They chose Y/n to be an exchange student in America." Kaito lied. Thanks to forgery, Kaito was able to convince almost everyone that Y/n is an exchange to a foreign country and will be gone for some time.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, Conan and Ran are not so far from them. Thanks to Mouri Kogoro being hired to bodyguard Risa, they get to watch the concert for free and in the front row.

Conan had already seen Y/n and was shocked she was at her original age and was about to go to her when he saw her talking to Aoko and Kaito.

Seeing them together brought a bitter but also sweet taste to his mouth.

Conan had invited her to watch the concert with them but was declined. He suspects it was because Ran and Mouri were going to be there, but it seems it was just because of that.

Ran cosplayed as Risa Purple, being a huge fan of the idol. But looking at Y/n, she was just in her regular civilian clothes while her other female friend was in cosplay.

The light dims and everyone started cheering. The host walks on stage and hypes up the crowd.

"Thanks for waiting, everyone!" A woman with orange hair styled in pixie cut waves to the crowd. "I'm your MC, Bianca. Thanks for having me today." She points to where she came from, "Now let's call Risa Purple onstage."





Risa comes out waving to her fans. Everyone cheered louder, waving their glow sticks. "Thanks, everyone!"

"Risa! Risa! Risa!"

But then...


The fire alarm is set off. The sprinklers activating. Many glance around, mixed in confusion and worriedly.

"W-what's going?!" Aoko gasped, her arm raised above her head.

Y/n looks around, her eyes squinted from the water. But upon seeing a man in a hoody wearing a mask jump on stage, her eyes widened, and she gasped, "Hey! That man!" Kaito and Aoko looked at where she was pointing at.

The man runs towards the idol and grabs her arm before she could leave to take cover. "Ahh!" Risa screams as the man forcibly pulls her away. At the same moment, Kogoro looks out and his eyes widen at seeing the man pull his client away.

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