A 'Supposed' Sick day

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This is not the 'Sunday rest' Y/n wanted, at all. See, let's go back from a few hours earlier. Y/n had woken up with a slight fever. Not taking any chances of it becoming worse, Y/n walked up to Haibara asking for a pill to her sickness.

Haibara (typing on her computer), vaguely, told her to get one on her pillbox. Y/n, already dizzy, tired, and just overall sick, grab the first pill she grabs and went to the kitchen to get some water. She returned to her room and took the medicine there.

But the second she swallowed that pill her heart gave a hard THUMP! She let the cup drop to the floor as she clutches both hands to her where her heart is. She screamed in pain as her body started changing. It was hard to breathe and everything seemed hotter.

Haibara entered her room asking what was wrong but stop when she saw Y/n's state. Having a clue what was happening Haibara called Shinichi and told him to get some old clothes from his mother to bring at Agasa's place.

Haibara hung up and went back to check on Y/n. She opened the door and saw a teenager Y/n still kneeling on the ground. Her clothes pretty much shredded. Y/n, now much calmer, look at her hands, then to her chest, and finally to Haibara, her face shock. "What...?" She breathes out, shock.

Haibara walk up to Y/n's bed and pulled the blanket to cover Y/n. "Y/n." Haibara took out a pill "is this the pill you used?"

Y/n look at the pill and nodded. "I see. Sorry, I didn't tell you. This is a Prototype Antidote to APTX 4869. I made it in case a situation arises where we need to become adults." She explained.

Then they heard a knock on the door. Haibara slightly opened it to see Shinichi there with a few of her mother's old clothes. "Why did she took the pill?" He asks.

Haibara grab the clothes. "She took it by accident." She said before closing the door on him. Haibara handed the clothes to Y/n. "Wear what'll fit." She said, before leaving.

(You decide what to wear.) After changing, Y/n went to the living room where the two were waiting. "How long does this usually last?" Y/n asked, sitting on the sofa.

"It usually lasts 24 hours or less," Shinichi answered. "So how those this prototype work?" Y/n ask, to Haibara who was working on the computer again. "After taking the first dose you need to wait at least 8 hours before taking another one. Taking too many at a time will shorten the effect of the drug." Haibara explained.

"What am I supposed to do within those times." Y/n complained, not expecting her day to become like this. She just wanted to rest because of her fever. Now that she thinks about it. "Wait. I feel much better than before." She said.

She may have a few things she wants to do before turning back into a kid. Y/n stands up and walks up to the telephone and calls a certain someone. "Hey, Kaito!" She said once he answered.

"Y/n? You sound...not like a child."

"Yeah, well, it's temporary. Wanna meet up while I got the time? Invite Aoko as well. It's been a while since we've all hang out."

"Sure. Where should we meet?"

"At the train station. We could plan there as well."

"Sounds good."

"Good! See you two at 10."

Then she hangs up; giddy. She misses them a lot. Other than in heists or some other reasons, this might be the only time she'll meet either of her friends like her and not being some else. "Well, now I do have a way to past time." She said, mostly to herself, and went back to her room to get ready.

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