Enter: Phantom Lady

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Okay, first things first. Sorry for really late updates. I've been busy and been thinking on how to finish this book. Which leads to what I want to say for the future of this fic. I will not be able to do the story about the organization or Kid's story line. I know the original was leading to that, but I dropped the anime a long time ago and I don't know how far the story has gone. I watch it a little, but not enough for me too know enough. What will happen in this fic is a typical indi-ish kind of fic. It'll mostly likely about Y/n, Shinich, and Kaito, and then Y/n's relationship with Ran and Mouri. 

Again, sorry that I'm not going on the main route. Though, I'm pretty sure someone has done a better job at that than I'll ever do.  

"There he is!" A girl exclaimed, looking up, "Kid the Phantom Thief!" 

The people around her look up and saw Kid using his glider. They exclaim and took their phones out to take pictures or videos. 

Inside the building, Nakamori and a few guard cough from the smoke bomb Kid used as a divergen to escape. 

"This is Nakamori!" Inspector Nakamori called from his radio, "Kid the Phantom Thief has stolen and escaped into the crowd!"

"But, Inspector, Kid is using his hang glider..." A guard answered, before getting cut off, 

"Don't let anybody out of the museum until they've had a full body check!" Inspector Nakamori ordered. 

On the lower ground of the building, people are being stopped from leaving the building causing them to riot and demanding that they get to leave. 

Out of all those crowd is a young girl easily pushing away from the crowd and almost out the door when a guard notices her and quickly grabs her wrist. 

The guard, "W-wait a second!" 

The girl turn towards the guard with a glare, "I'm L/n Y/n! I'm a friend of Nakamori Aoko! Aoko came to bring his dad's dinner and I accompanied her! We got separated from the crowd and she's outside waiting! Can't I go home?!" 

The guard look bewildered by this, "D-Dinner?"

Another guard trying to stop the angry mob turn to the guard talking to Y/n, "That's Inspector Nakamori daughter's friend. Didn't you know that?"

The guard quickly turn back to Y/n and apologize, "P-Pardon!" 

Y/n smiled at the guard, "That's okay. Keep up the good work!" Y/n said before walking off.  Other guards started coming in and Y/n greeted them all as well. 

While blending in, in the crowd Y/n turn back towards the building and gave a cheeky smile, 'Sorry, Y/n, have to borrow your face today', Kaito thought. 

Kaito turn to where the moon is and brings out the jewel he just stole. He turns it towards the moon and check inside the jewel, 'Well, looks like it's not the jewel really after all...' He puts the jewel back inside the purse, 'Guess I'll send this one back to Inspector Nakamori, too.' 

He then brings out a letter almost the size of his thumb, 'A sticker with a message was on the bottom of the jewel...'

"Kid the Phantom Thief, it's my turn next.

Saturday night, under the full moon, 

I shall seize the jewel upon the head of the untarnished nail

and thus the repay the debt I owe you from 18 years ago." 

The letter read. 

"What the hell does it mean?" Kaito ask while he was putting on gloves, " "The head of the untarnished nail"...I wasn't even born 18 years ago. " 

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