V: Adoration

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V: Adoration

Third POV

Izuku's palms felt incredibly clammy.

He looked outside, past the expensive old money styled homes and villas, before turning to stare straight ahead.

"You look like you're going to puke," Kaminari joked, "and here I thought I was the pregnant one."

The week had passed without a hitch and now here Izuku was on the way to meet Mitsuki Bakugo.

Katsuki's Mother.

Apparently, Masaru had some other matters to attend to, so Mitsuki would be leading things for now.

"I'm meeting Riku's grandparents and Katsuki's parents to prove myself, can you blame me?" Izuku nervously laughed, earning a smile and a pat on the back.

"Alright, not to sugarcoat, but they are only nice to Riku and they don't tolerate any nonsense of any sort by anyone other than him," Kaminari explained, seeing the home in the distance, "But, so far they've only heard good things about you like Katsuki said."

"And it must take a lot for Katsuki to give someone a compliment and they know that."

Kaminari placed his free hand on his stomach as they approached a stop to get into the next security checkpoint to their home.

"Here to see Mitsuki and Masaru at the Bakugo Villa?" He stated, handing over his id, and after a few seconds the guard cleared him and they kept going.

"Have you physically spoken to them?" Izuku raised his brows, looking at the multiple trees and shrubs that bordered the area.

At this point he stopped seeing houses and it was just open land.

"Yeah, but just briefly when they said congratulations to Kirishima and I for our future pup," Kaminari nodded, "They gave us the cutest 24k gold infused stroller and bouncer."

Izuku's eyes widened.

Kaminari then smirked, "From that security checkpoint we just left, this entire stretch up to their actual home is all under their control."

"And if they wanted to, they could clear out the other neighbors place."

"Wow, they must be wealthy then." Izuku gasped, suddenly feeling extra queasy.

"Mhm. That's why Setsuna is intent on being with Katsuki, of course, you didn't hear it from me." Kaminari boredly stated, "It's one thing to have his kid, however if both Riku and Katsuki denounce her then she won't get a single thing and her parental rights get stripped according to 20 lawyers established for their family."

"But because the family approach is something that is dear to the boss' mother and father, they won't let it go until they believe Riku is stable with two parents. Which ultimately benefits her."

"Oh.." Izuku let out, only to let out a gasp at the giant manor in front of him.

"I'm rooting for you," Kaminari gleamed, "we all are,"

"So do your best."

He then entered the villa's incredibly large driveway and parked to the side amongst the other luxury vehicles.

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄                         ||𝐊.𝐁 & 𝐈.𝐌||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora