VI: Feigned Ignorance

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VI: Feigned Ignorance

Third POV

Izuku found himself smiling, even after leaving the Bakugo Villa.

It was now dinner time, all four of them sitting together. Hiro and Riku were chatting about the latest tv show that had pegged their interest.

"So, judging by your looks I take it you had a good time?" Katsuki hummed, watching Izuku place down his glass of water.

"Much," He nodded, "I don't know what you keep going on about, your mother is so nice!" Izuku exclaimed, watching Katsuki roll his eyes and put his fork down.

"Yeah, to you and Riku." Katsuki muttered, "With me, I'm lucky if I get away with a slap at the back of the head."

Riku's small laughter caught most attention, immediately looking down to his plate when Katsuki looked over to him.

"You think that's funny, huh?" Katsuki raised his brows, leaning over to Hiro, "Hey Hiro, would you like to see Riku's baby pictures?"

Just then, Riku went flushed as his face turned beet red, "That is not necessary, papa!" His fork clattering onto his plate as he slapped his hands over his face in mortification.

Hiro giggled, giving a playful sly look, "Sure, that would be great."

"Hiro!" Riku yelled, beginning to slide his hands to his cheeks.

Izuku then got up, standing by Riku's side and gently rubbing his shoulder, "That's enough teasing, you two,"

He then squatted to Riku's level and with a coy smile he asked, "Riku, would you like to see Hiro's baby pictures?"

"Okay, okay-!" Hiro tossed up his hands in defeat, "I no longer want to see Riku's pictures."

Izuku let out a hum, "There then it's all settled."

"Izuku it's harmless teasing, see it's totally fine." Katsuki chuckled, gently fist-bumping Hiro who still had a small smile on his face.

"Okay, then let me ask Mitsuki to see your baby pictures."

He couldn't help but laugh at Katsuki's souring face.

"Never mind then," Izuku grinned, "It's just harmless teasing."

Katsuki leaned back in his seat, nodding quietly while eyeing the omega up and down.


Just then, Sero showed up, bowing his head.

"Good evening, everyone," He started, "I hope you're enjoying your dinners, but the car is ready."

Riku got out of his seat,

"I'll see you all tomorrow, then." As he bowed his head and waved his goodbyes.

Hiro furrowed his brows, waving goodbye to his friend before turning to Katsuki.

"I'm sorry, but where is Riku going?" He quietly questioned.

"He's going to stay with his grandparents for tonight, but he'll be back the next night once a decision has been made for the event." Katsuki answered, looking over at Izuku who seemed a bit confused.

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