XVII: Countdown For Your Love

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XVII: Countdown For Your Love

Third POV

Despite being the last to fall asleep out of the both of them, Katsuki was the first to rise.

This was it.

Today was the day.

He looked down to Izuku, a look of triumph on his face at his mating mark that he had left earlier on that morning.

He pressed a soft kiss to it, brushing back a free curl from Izuku's forehead before turning his attention to discarded clothing on the ground.

Mitsuki was going to yell at him for tearing Izuku's dress, but in all honesty it was worth it.

He was positive that tonight could be a success.

But, he had other things to take care of to ensure of that.

Unwrapping his hand from Izuku's waist that he'd held onto for majority of the seven or eight orgasms the two had wash over themselves for that early morning, he scooted out of bed and went to get ready for the day.

In the lobby, Katsuki came into contact with Kirishima who had eye-bags galore.

"You look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Katsuki muttered, watching how the redhead stretched out his limbs, "tough night?"

Kirishima sarcastically hummed before listing out everything he had to do, "Well I had to protect the event, explain to your parents what happened, get rid of, only to then have to track down Setsuna and kill her, then bring Riku back to his shared room so he could finally sleep for the night."

"Only to come back to my room to comfort Kaminari who was puking his entire digestive tract out, so yes, I did have a rough night."

Katsuki let out a laugh, "I admit I do owe you one."

"Once the event is over, ask Kaminari where he wants to go and I'll happily pay for time off and other expenses until two months after he gives birth to show my appreciation."

Kirishima shook his head and gave a defeated huff, "Thanks..." he then wiggled his brows with an enthusiastic look, "Honestly, you're lucky Riku was deep asleep when I brought him back to his room, I could hear the both of you from the elevator."

"I take it you made up, before you asked me to permanently get rid of Setsuna?"

Katsuki furrowed his brows and shook his head, "No. I was just sick of her and her bullshit."

"I'm just about done building my family and the last thing I need is her." He then brushed his hands together to sign he was finished with his work.

"Now," Katsuki perked up, looking towards the dining hall where people were beginning to enter, "See to it that food is brought up to Izuku, Riku and Hiro for me before we head out."

"Yes, sir." Kirishima bowed his head, entering the dining hall.

• • • A few Hours Later • • •

Izuku wasn't sure what he'd be expecting when he woke up later today.

Maybe a small part of him feared that after marking him, Katsuki was still going to get rid of him and Hiro.

And maybe that small part grew when he woke up only an hour after Katsuki had officially left the hotel  and he was all alone.

Instead of the omega, he was greeted with a knock at the door.

Quickly he slipped on some shorts and one of Katsuki's discarded tops before heading to the door and recieving what would basically be brunch.

And two other guests.

On either side of him, Riku and Hiro accompanied Izuku with breakfast in bed.

"So Riku, how're you feeling?" Izuku subtly question, staring at the boy's arm that seemed normal, "I know yesterday was a bit crazy..."

Riku nodded, rubbing his shoulder, "Nothing I couldn't handle."

"They managed to pop it back into place, and they wrapped a bandage around it to help it, but in the chance it does start to hurt once again, they'll take another look at it."

Izuku slowly nodded, watching how the boy popped a mango slice into his mouth before gently fluffing his hair,  "I'm sorry."

Riku looked up at the omega who had a a disheartened smile, "Don't be, I should apologize for the things, Setsuna said to you,"

He then twiddled with his fingers, looking at Hiro for a moment then back to Izuku,

"You do plan on staying, right? I know it wasn't the best way to find out about my family n' all..?"

Izuku hummed, pressing a kiss to Riku's forehead and pulling both him and Hiro into a hug.

"Of course, I had thoughts about leaving earlier, but it wasn't because of your family." Izuku admitted, recalling earlier, "After a talk though with your dad however, I decided that we'll stay."

He knew he made a promise to Mitsuki, and he didn't let Katsuki admitting the truth about technical crimes he commit bother him.

But the idea of him falling in love again only to have his heart shattered once more is what scared him.

Thankfully, Katsuki showed him that he didn't need to worry.

A triumphant hum left both Riku and Hiro's throats as they reached over to high-five one another.

Izuku let out a laugh, squeezing Hiro a bit tighter before shifting out of his own place,

"Finish my breakfast you two, I need to start getting ready." As he began to slide away.

"Don't have to tell us twice, mama." Hiro chimed, reaching for Izuku's fork to finish up the scrambled eggs on his plate.

As Izuku got out of bed, he couldn't help, but ponder about tonight.

It was the last night of the event, therefore he was sure it was going to end off on a high note.

He also couldn't help, but think about Setsuna.

He was worried about seeing her again.

He took a glance back at the boys that begun their own conversation, narrowing to Riku who had a joyous look on his face.

After last night, he really wanted tonight to be perfect.

Not just for him, but for everyone.

Time ticked, and only time itself would tell.

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