C2: Sneak Away

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<No one's pov>

When night fell and everyone went to sleep, Shadow quietly sneaks out and looks around in case someone was still up. When she sees that the coast was clear, she went on her way into the night and never made a sound. She left a note for the others to find.

[In the morning...]

Bendy wakes up as he yawns. He rubbed his eyes as he got out of bed and gets dressed. He decides to visit Shadow. He walks over to her place and checked to see if she was asleep or awake. "Shadow?" He looks around, she wasn't there.

'Hmm...that's a bit strange...' he thought. Then Felix walks up to Bendy. "Hey, Bendy. What's wrong?" He asks as he is curious on why Bendy looked a bit concerned.

"Uh, have you seen Shadow? Like....at all today?" Bendy asks Felix as he turns to him with slight worry on his face. Felix thought for a moment. "Hmm....can't say that I saw her....in fact, I don't think I saw her at all thi morning."

Bendy then looks around. Then he finds a note. "Huh?" He picks it up. "It's a note that she left." He says as Felix walks over and reads the note with him.

" 'If any of you guys finds this note, just know that I snuck out last night. Where I'm going is probably none of your concern because I am on my own mission to look for someone. I just hope I find her....

If I'm not back by the time the sun sets, feel free to look for me.

Shadow-' "

Bendy finished reading. Then him and Felix look at eachother as they feel that something was up. Then Boris, Mugman, Cuphead, and the rest of Shadow's siblings woke up and asked where Shadow was.

Both Bendy and Felix explain that Shadow snuck out to go look for someone. This rose both concern and curiosity.

"Why would she leave without our consent? I get it she left a note, but something seems....strange about what her reasoning was..." Felix says aloud as he tries to think of an explanation.

Boris also wondered. He re-reads the note carefully. Then he gets an idea. "In the note, she says that she went to look for someone. Whoever it is, she must really want to find them."

Everyone then realized that Boris was right. If Shadow wanted to tell them herself, she would have woke them up and bring them with her.

Then they all come to a conclusion. "What if we try to follow her? If she left last night, she must have not gone far." Boris speaks up as he points to Shadow's footprints.

Everyone agrees as they follow her trail. They followed her trail deep into the wilderness. Then they see that there were scratch marks on a tree. "It looks like she is marking where she's been." Felix points out.

Then they resume on the journey. Soon they felt tired as it was growing dark. Bendy stops as he sits down under a tree trying to catch his breath. "Guys.......can we....can we like....take a break?" He said in between breaths.

Felix looks at him. "If we don't catch up with Shadow, who knows what sort of danger she could get into." Bendy then musters up a bit of air he could gather. "Well, if she knew that we were following her, I'd think she knows we'd need to take a break a few times.....don't you think?"

Felix saw that he had a point. Then he walks back and starts to put up his tent for some resting time. "We will take a break here, but then we continue afterwards, okay?" Everyone nods in agreement as they settle down for a break.

During the break that was 9 minutes in, Genaveve, Shadow's younger sister, then picks up some kind of old scent. She sniffs the air as she tries to pin point where it was coming from. Then she finds the source.

It was Shadow's scent.

[0v0 lil wolf with a tracker for a nose.]

Gena then runs to the entrance of another forest then stops as she looks back at the others. "Come on! I got her scent!"

Everyone immediately packs up and follows Gena. When they got there, they saw Shadow trapped by a tree. It fell on her leg and injured it. She struggled to get it off her, but since she went the entire night and half of the day without sleep, she wasn't strong enough to lift it off of her.

Bendy rushes in and lifts the tree off of Shadow's leg. Then the others came afterwards. Felix checks her leg. "I think that tree both injured and broke your leg. I don't think you'll be walking anywhere anytime soon."

Shadow then sighs in disappointment. "But, I have to look for her, she's out there and I know it!" Then Bendy kneels down as he places a hand on her shoulder. "Shadow, who do you mean by 'she'? Tell us. We might be able to help you."

Shadow then sighs. "When I was young, there was someone that I knew from the moment I opened my eyes. They were my first ever friend. They were......." Shadow says as she begins to trail off.

"She was what?" Felix chimes in. Shadow then narrows her eyes. "She was my First sibling that I ever had and met."

Everyone's eyes widen in shock an suprise. "I thought you had 13 siblings. You had 14 this entire time!?" Bendy exclaimed. Shadow nods her head in response. "She was taken by demon hunters when we were young. I promised her that what ever happened to her, I'd never stop looking for her. So, I kept looking ever since. She and I are twins, we both act the same and sometimes think the same. But she is pure white."

Felix then raised a brow. "Pure....white? You mean.....she's sort of albino?" Shadow nods. "But instead of red eyes, she had beautiful purple eyes." Felix was intrigued.

"Well, if you'd of told us this, we would have helped you look for her." Boris buts in. Shadow then feels silly about trying to do thi on her own. "Well, I guess now that my leg is injured, I may need help now."

Bendy then picks her up bridle style. "I'll carry you until we find a safer place to make camp so we can help you." Shadow then smiles a bit. "Thank you, Bendy." Bendy then smiles feeling proud. "Always here to help."

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