C11: Family Reunion

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[ ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️
This chap will cause some tearful eyes, so grab some tissues before reading. Or, if you can deal with things as emotional as this, or are used to it, then read on! ]

[Shadow's pov]

The past few days were great. I was able to be my old chaotic self again, and not be so down all the time, because I knew that there were people who see me as an individual person, not the other way around like most I've met did.

Especially Bendy. In a way, he was like my emotional support buddy, I like him for that. Size doesn't matter to me, it's always the heart and greatness of the person regardless on how they look that I respect.


And, the bond Bendy and I have has grown since we the day we first met. In a way, it made me feel like I was on a cloud lifting me from all the sorrow and sadness along with the chains of dried off my shoulders, giving me my newly found strength to keep going in life.

Though, one thing is still missing....Mom and Dad. It's been a long, long time since I last saw them.... I would love to see them again.

Then, little Gena, my adorable little sister, comes running about and hops on my head as she wags her tail. "Shadow! Shadow! Shadow!" She says in a hyper and excited tone. I looked up at her and smiled.

'She always cheers anyone up with her cute ball of energy, doesn't she?' I thought to myself.


"You seem like a ball of sunshine today, don't you, Gen?" I say as I carefully picked her up and sat her on my lap. She was the most precious little thing that'd make your worries fade away just by being around her for even a few split milliseconds.

"Come look! Felix found something that he wants you to also come see!" She answers as she grasps my hand and leads me to where everyone was gathered. 'What is so unique or important that I need to see it?' I thought as Gena led me to the group.

Felix turns to me. "Shadow, what does this symbol look like in this stone? I can't decifer what it could be, it seemes to almost be completely weathered away by time that even I can't figure out its shape. Maybe you can?" He explains as he shows my an oddly old, ancient symbol on a mossy rock, covered with dangling vines.

I took a closer look at the strange symbol closely and carefully,as if not wanting to mistaken it for something else. I checked about 6 times before I realized something.

I look at my hand and got one of my sharp nails/claws out and carefully traced the missing parts to the stoned imagery, to be presented with a shocking discovery.

This symbol.......it's a symbol of a demon. But not just any demon......it was the symbol of an Ink demon.

But it's just a theory, A ORIGIN LORE THEORY- Okay, I'll stop with da Mattpat jokes TnT I don't get payed enough for this]

I was stunned for a moment, could hardly find the words. "What is it?" Felix asked as he raised a brow. I then shook my had as I snapped back to reality from my little space out.

"It...it's............it's a symbol....of an Ink Demon....." I finally spoke, still looking at the symbol on the stone.

Everyone nearly froze as their blood runs cold.

"An Ink Demon? Like, Bendy?" Boris asks, a bit shaken in his voice. I nod as I look at him. "This is very strange.....wait." Felix begins as he remembers something.

"Do you guys remember that women we ran into when Shadow ran off?" He asks as he turns to the guys. I was a bit confused on what he was talking about, but I stayed out of the conversation as to not interrupt.

They all nodded. "Do you also remember her story about the Ink Demons and the war? And how Shadow could be linked to the history of the Ink Demon origins?" He adds. "I mean, we know that Bendy is a full Ink Demon, but Shadow is not fully, but close to being a full Ink Demon."

They all agreed as he spoke. "What if, this is an ancient chamber for the 7 Ink Demons from the war? As in, their final resting place?" He finishes as he looks back at the stone.

Things were starting to lead somewhere.

Everyone looks at one another as they talk about it. I look at the stone, then see something. I looked at the smooth, bumpy, grey, mossy vine covered rock wall, as I walk closer to it and listen. As I closed my eyes, I heard sounds of water droplets falling into puddles as I could image a chamber in my mind being in an old cave, never touched and lost to time.

I then look back at the wall as I look for a weak point. Bendy wondered what I was doing as he watched me. I wasn't for sure he was watching, but I could sense he was looking my way.

Then, I saw something. I looked at a hand plate carved into the wall. I looked at my hand then placed it onto the carving, then it pushed inwards as the rock wall moves out of the way like a secret vault door.

Dust and dirt filled the air as the smell of cave water bursts out while we all cough and cover our eyes. Once the air cleared, we saw something that not even the world's greatest cave finder would believe.

The chamber was in a cave, but it looked like it used to also be a memorial too, one that was hundreds, even thousands of centuries old, not even time had went by as 7 statues of 7 different looking Ink Demons stood before us, all surrounding a type of marking on the ground as there were old artifacts that must have belonged to the demons lay beside them.

"Whoa...." I say as I took it all in. This was like walking into a whole different time and place in reality.

Everyone was spellbound by this remarkable sight. Felix looks at the statues and then at a book that he pulls out that looked to be just as old as the statues, possibly even older than the chamber and statues let alone.

Then, I saw the marking on the ground. It looked to be one used for a ritual. "Felix, I found something." I call out as he came running to my side.

He examined the odd marks on the ground as he pages through the book for answers. He then reads aloud that it was said to be a ritual for reviving the dead of a dear loved one if someone with a pure heart, not corrupted by darkness, preforms the ritual.

I then realized. I could bring them back.....I could bring my Mom and Dad back! I then read what the ritual needed. It didn't need much.

I got my Mom's jacket and placed it in the center, along with Dad's old guitar and earrings. Then, I hum a tune that I knew when Mom and Dad used to sing to me.

Then, something happened. The markings on the ground started to glow as I finished the song. Mom and Dad's belongings began to levitate into the air as blue light swirls around them and a bright light flashes, nearly blinding us.

After the intense light fades, we see two beings now laying before us on the floor. When they got up and then looked at us, I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt all my emotions wanting to explode.

"M...Mom? D..Dad? I...i..is that really you?" I say as I wanted to explode from the joy, but also a bit in disbelief. Did it really work?

Mom looks at me as her eyes start to tear up along with Dad's eyes. "Shadow...." she says. I smiled as I ran to them and hugged them. "Mom! Dad!" The three of us let out tears of pure joy. My family was finally back together again.

The guys were shocked. Then my siblings all ran to us and hugged Mom and Dad as they all cried. Breeze also was shocked, then she joins in on the family hug.

Bendy felt like he wanted to cry from this beautiful moment as a single tear falls down his cheek with a smile.


As the hug ended, I then introduced my parents to everyone. Afterwards, we went back to camp. I told Mom and Dad everything that went on when they were not with me growing up over the years.

Mom was shocked and amazed while my Pa was just chill and layed back. I was so happy to have them back. I guess there might be a happy ending to my life story after all.

[Next chap commong soon TvT]

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