C7: Face Fear, Or Let Fear Control [pt1]

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<No one's pov>

A few good months have past since Shadow reunited with Breeze. Everything went well as Shadow hoped when she feared it would be ruined yet again.

One night, Shadow was asleep hanging on a tree branch like a bat, as usual, till' she heard something. She opened her eyes and scanned the area (looked around) for a moment. Then, she heard men whispering. She followed their voices.

Soon she found that demon hunters had found their camp. She grits her teeth in anger. She watched them for a while, then saw that they found Bendy's tent. Her instincts kick in all of a sudden, without her thinking once.

She dashed in the shadows as she stepped on twigs to alert the hunters that something was watching them......or....something was hunting them.

Then Shadow looks at one of them from behind hanging on a tree branch as her eyes glowed a flared red with faint growls. One of the hunters shakely points at where Shadow was as they were fearful of the enraged demon.

The hunter Shadow was behind slowly turns around as they gasp as they felt their blood run cold. Shadow then shows her face as she has 4 eyes glowing vibrant red along with her head massively large. She then darkly, quietly chuckles. "Say 'Goodnight', fellas. Because you're going to sleep for a long, long time when I'm done with you~". She says in a demonic tone, slightly insane.

She was on kill on sight mode now....

The hunters ran as they screamed in fear. Some shot arrows at her, but she dodges them all swiftly as she leaps from tree to tree from their trunks to gain intense speed. Then she runs with her 6 limbs as she gains speed the more she ran.

The hunters try to escape on their motorbikes as they were at max speed. "HURRY!! FASTER, FASTER!! THEY ARE GAINING!!!" Shouts one of the hunters, panicking for his life. They then make the bikes go past their speed limit as the motor slightly gets more hotter.

Shadow then smirks as she sped up and let's over them and behind the trees in pure darkness. She lands quietly, making it seem she leps far away and landed, when she was a few meters away from them.

The hunters panicked as they turn around looking at the trees and bushes for any sign of her, filled with pure fear, and she could smell it.

She snakes one of her tails near one of the hunters and waits for her trap to spring. When the hunter taps her tail with the heel of their foot wear, Shadow's tail swiftly wraps around their leg and drags them into the woods, into the darkness as bone snaps were heard.

She uses sneaky techniques to pick them off one by one, until there was one. The last hunter was so panicked that he could not keep up with his heart beats. He ends up having trouble breathing from how much adrenaline and fear as his panicking increases every minute.

Then, the last thing he sees, was Shadow. Tall and terrifying. 4 arms, 2 legs, 2 tails with deadly blades for the tips stained with fresh blood, 4 wings, 4 eyes. She slowly moves her face closer to him as she growls. "It didn't have to end this way......if you humans only learned that we fight to survive.....you're the real monsters."

Then, she kills him with one bite of his tourso.

She then snorts as she breaths heavily. She hears footsteps behind her as she turn to look. Her anger level lowers for a brief moment as she looks at a horrified Bendy. She was afraid this would happen.

She slowly moves to him and gently reaches out to him with her hand, but he flinched and backs away. Shadow backs up a bit as she was shocked. She then looks at herself as she starts to tear up. She backs away about to run before she says with hurt in her words, "I thought you were different, you're just like everyone else......seeing me as a killer, not a kind soul....I should have just stayed away from help and suffer......"

Then, she ran off into the night, deep into the forest.

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