C10: Know Your Purpose.

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<Shadow's pov>

I began to walk along a river that night. The way it shimmered under the starry night sky, it reminded me of my mom. I have her personality in a sort of way, but I remind myself or her too.

I look like her too, but yet, I feel different. Eventhough I have these forms with powers beyond all knowledge, I feel that there's a reason, a reason to why I was born with such powers.

I don't know how or when, but I will find out why I'm here, why I have these abilities and when I will see who I turn out to be. After all, I don't know myself fully...

Then I saw a glimpse of a memory of my mother and I with breeze, looking at the stars as some shoot across the sky. I was happy and pointed at them as they went by, and mom's smile.... her smile..... that sweet, calm and warming smile..... her smile made me feel safe. How I wish to see that smile of hers again....and her.....dad too....

But, there are other people I've met. Bendy, Cuphead, Boris, Mugman, and Felix, they were nice and kind to me, they brought light back to my life.... Bendy, most of all. In a way, he reminds me of mom, caring, supportive, silly at times, and a bit of me too.

But... when I saw his eyes..... the way he saw me as this form.... I felt that he was afraid of me. I was hurt, so I ran away, far away. So far, to where no one could find me, and to where I couldn't hurt anyone again.

I then decided to go back. As I walked, I heard someone calling my name, it was familiar. I then went closer to the voue, and over the tree lines, I saw Bendy. He looked..... sad, almost regretful and crying too.

"Shadow! Please come back, I'm sorry!" He yells, crying each time. I then lower my head from the trees as I was inches away from his head, right behind him. I gently breathed on the back of his neck to get his attention. He was startled for a moment, but soon calms down afterwards as he turns to look at me.

"Hey, uh, look I'm....I'm sorry.... I thought you were going to hurt me....but....I was wrong.....you'd never hurt me.....or the others.....and....I'm.....so, so sorry....can you forgive me?" He says as his eyes were shimmering from his regretful tears with hurt in his words.

I then had a single tear fall down my face as I gently nudge my forhead against his as I started to cry. He then softly pets my head as he comforted me.

[*heart breaks* AAAAAAAAAAAA ToT MY HEART!!!]

Once stopped crying, I looked at him. "Do you...forgive me?" He asked. I nodded. He then smiles as he hugs my face as he cries tears of joy. I smile too. Once we both calmed down, I lifted him onto my head as I walked us back to camp where the others were.

When we made it back to the others, we were met with faces of shock. I then frown a bit as I hid my head in my wings like a tent. Bendy slides down my face and lands on the ground without hurting himself.

He then motions his hand for me as in a way of, 'it's okay.'. Then I came closer to everyone as I sat down with my 4 arms propped on my legs. Then, after we chatted for a while, I finally felt a moment of calm, and I turned back to normal.

Then, once I was my normal size, I was greeted with a hug from Bendy. "Ack!" I squeaked. Then, I hugged him back. It was a sweet moment. I wished mom and dad were here to see this.

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