C13: The Fear In Her Eyes

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<Bendy's pov>

We all woke up to a loud shreek that cuts the air as everything went silent. I was in panic as I woke from the sound.

I looked over to my right to see that Shadow wasn't there. This made me feel even more terrified. Why isn't she here? Where is she? And what made that sound?

I heard Shadow's mother start talking in a panicked state a she paced left and right, holding her horns. "Where is my daughter? Why isn't she with us?? Why did we hear that loud roar!? What is happening anymore!?!" She would shout out of panic, she was having a panic attack.

'Poor her...' I thought to myself. Seeing how panicked she was, I could tell that she was worried for her eldest child, Shadow. We all were as worried as she was, but not as panicked.

I noticed footprints on a dirt path. I examined them for a moment before recognizing them. Shadow...

"Hey! I found Shadow's footprints! She went this way!" I shouted as I led everyone down the dirt path. 'Come on, where have you gotten to?' I say in my mind, wondering where she must have gone.

After estimated 3 hours of following her tracks, we found an old stronghold like ruin chamber. On the far side of the structure, was a pile of rubble. It looked like something busted through, something.....massive.

Then we saw massively large footprints in long strides, reaching up to about a whoping 90 yards and 15 inches apart. Seems like whatever it was, ran very fast.

We decided to follow the tracks.

Upon following the tracks, we would see puddles of blood streamed across in-between each gap from the footprints, and slung along the leaves of the trees like they were painted with blood. Whoever was the maker of these prints, was injured, really injured.

After 9 hours of running, we heard screams coming from a nearby town and........was that.....smoke? Fire!? We all ran closer to the screams as we saw a town, being engulfed in flames as most buildings looked smashed and stomped as most of them burned.

People ran and screamed in terror as they ran for their lives, trying to escape this chaotic hell.

'Oh...my...dear...god...what happened here?' I thought as I saw true horrors of destruction.

Then, we all heard the same roar cut the air as we all saw distant birds flying away from afar, flying away from something.

We had to investigate, no matter what it was.

<Time skip cuz yesh UnU>

We had finally made it through the forest after for what seemed like endless hours. Once we got to the town, it had just got somewhat destroyed like the last one, but....we soon saw the cause of it.....


She was in her Dark form, but.........she didn't seem like herself.......almost as if........this wasn't Shadow at all.

We watched as she destroyed a church with her two tails in one swing, causing the building to crumble to the ground. She was like a evil entity gone made, wanting nothing but pure destruction.

Then, I noticed that one of her eyes was bleeding heavily, the eye that had a scar, it was cut open somehow........this might be why she went rouge.

And now she's lost control of herself, and taking out her anger on everyone....what happened to her?

I wanted to help her, I could feel that she was still in that evil thing.....scared......and in so much fear......I have to help her.

I ran for it, straight towards her. Cuphead tried to grab my arm to stop me, but he missed as I continued to run into the burning town.

Then, I came face to face with Shadow. She looked at me as she snarled with bellowed, demonic growls and chattering noises while breathing heavily. Her eyes felt stone cold, her body looked frail, malnourished, and dehydrated, her wounded eye was covered in blood as it began to stain her teeth.

She looked......sad.......in a way, also very, very weak.....like, she was too tired to keep fighting.........but something was keeping her from maintaining control....forcing her to kill and destroy....not eat, drink, or rest. Like a mindless killing puppet on a string forced against its own good will.

'Shadow...........' I thought as I felt sore to my throat. When I walked closer to her, she'd snap her Jagged teeth at me as I slightly flinched back, trying to avoid being bitten. But, I never ran. I also noticed that she had chains, and shackles on her, almost weighing her down.

I kept inching closer to her, until I got close enough to grab the chain that was attached to her neck and forcefully yank it down, but not to harshly, just enough to make her lower her head to the ground.

I then looked her in the eyes as I saw a reflection of her in her eyes for a moment, she was scared as she was running from dark versions of her forms, evil versions of herself. I saw this as a sign......she was afraid of herself....meaning.......she can't fight back the darkness.....

I could feel that she was alone and scared.....but, she wasn't alone.

I then looked directly at her, where I could feel that I was looking at her trapped self in her darkened mind as I then spoke, trying to get to her.

"Shadow.....if you're still in there, and you can hear me.....it's okay! You're not alone! I'm here....we all are here! And we won't leave your side, even if you try to kill us, we won't leave you! You can fight this!"

<Shadow's pov>

[In her mind]

I was surrounded my by darker versions of my forms as I sat down and cried, accepting my fate.....when all of a sudden, I hear a voice......Bendy's voice!

"Shadow, if you're still in there, and you can hear me.....it's okay! You're not alone! I'm here....we all are here! And we won't leave your side, even if you try to kill us, we won't leave you! You can fight this!"

His words made me feel something.......like I got all strength back. I then looked at my fears and attacked them as I wasn't afraid anymore. Suddenly, I was blinded by a bright, flash of white light as my vision blured.

<Bendy's pov>

I thought that it wasn't going to work until, I heard......growling murmurs? I looked at Shadow as her eyes switched from blue to red as she tries to speak. Then they go fully back to her eye colors as she looks at me and says, "B....b..Bendy.......?"

I hugged her face as I cried. "Shadow! You're back!!!" I smiled widely as everyone else joined in the hug. Shadow then cried tears as she was happy to finally be freed from fear an her horrid past memories.

Then, she collapses as she goes back to normal. Her clothes were ripped, but not badly, and she was weak. Her scar was drying up. Felix quickly cleaned her scar as he quickly put a patch on it. She needs to get to a hospital, now!

I carried her as we all ran as far and as fast as we could to a nearby hospital. I just hope we are not too late.

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